View Full Version : Hi all my cat is injured

buffalo girl
09-04-2010, 11:50 PM
hello this is my first posting

my cat is injured. she keeps being attacked by another cat and today the other cat's owner threw a stone at her during a fight that she was already losing. I think it hit her on her shoulder or chest area.

she came inside and hid under a desk and then under a bed. she keeps licking her lips and won't come near me. she is limping badly.

she is very subdued . what if she has internal injuries.

10-04-2010, 01:50 AM
Hi, sorry your intro is on such a sad note; get her to the vet ASAP!

10-04-2010, 10:53 AM
Yes, vet ASAP - you can never tell. She's obviously in pain.

Good luck, please let us know how things are.

buffalo girl
10-04-2010, 01:29 PM
thank you. I took her to the vet. he said nothing is broken but the cat's mood is a reaction to being repeatedly beaten up. she has a superficial leg injury, probably from a bite.

she is still only a year old and the other cat is 4 or 5 and much more aggressive.

mine is still putting on weight and is already incredibly powerful and learning from each fight, but i think it is stressful for her to always be on the look out. the other cat is not afraid to come into the house. she is incredibly strong and will butt a cat flap until the catch breaks.

10-04-2010, 01:43 PM
Oh poor cat :(

Try keep your cat inside and you could maybe put something in front of the cat flap which the other cat won't be able to move.

10-04-2010, 02:51 PM
I would keep your cat inside and take her outside when you can supervise only. I would board up the cat flap to stop intruders (I have had to do this with my house as I kept finding bully cats in my house and my two cats cowering).

I would also not be particularly happy with the neighbour who is throwing stones. Maybe they meant to frighten the cats to stop fighting, but if it hurt your cat then they must be told to not do that again!

10-04-2010, 04:42 PM
Absolutely - how cruel!! I would speak to the neighbour calmly about this kind of behaviour or report him for cruelty! There are other less lazy ways to deal with breaking up cat fights other than being so aggressive. I would keep your cat indoors safe and sound - glad to hear she is on the mend!

buffalo girl
10-04-2010, 08:37 PM
thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and advice.

she is looking much more confident again now, but she has only been outside for a few minutes today.

i was just wondering why neutered female cats can be so aggressive? (as the neighbour's is)

10-04-2010, 08:43 PM
Females usually aren't as territorial a males, but it can occur. Are the fights happening on your property or the other cat's? Or neutral?

10-04-2010, 10:34 PM
Welcome to the forum,
i am sorry to hear about your poor Cat's injury.
I would certainly have a calm word with the neighbour and tell them that a vets visit was neccessary.
We have a cat door with a bit that slides in to lock it, i am having to use this as we were getting an aggressive Tom in the house.

10-04-2010, 10:48 PM
Oh my goodness your poor cat (and poor you) :( I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. I would definitely have a word with the neighbour as that's simply unacceptable! I know people that use water sprays and that normally does the trick, even clapping their hands normally works with cats.. but stones GRRRRRR on your behalf.

I hope your cat gets well soon x

buffalo girl
10-04-2010, 11:19 PM
Are the fights happening on your property or the other cat's? Or neutral?

yeah the fights are on my property. right near the door, mostly. my cat is fairly nocturnal, and hangs about in the kitchen at night, mousing and guarding the entrance. but the other cat comes in just before dawn and has to be seen off. the fights are very serious. there's little time for warning sounds - it's snarling, claws, and teeth straight away. I think mine is exceptionally brave for her age.

other times, the intruder sees my cat off from the wall at the end of the garden which (the wall, i mean) to be fair to her was part of her territory before I got my cat. this other female has a colossal territory - she 'owns' all the gardens up 8 doors away from where she lives.

11-04-2010, 08:59 AM
Id get your Cat neutered too, that may be a trigger for an attack, of course letting your Cat out puts her at HUGE risk if she isnt spayed of getting pregnant and picking up diseases from stray Tom Cats.

I would also change the cat flap to one that has a collar tag, so only your cat can come in and out of it, that way she should stay safe.