View Full Version : Worried!! Can anyone give any advice please?

27-03-2010, 09:59 PM
Hi all,

Is there anyone that knows anything about how to check if food is poisoned please? I obviously am contacting RSPCA & police but am hoping someone else can advise also. We have been having food thrown over our garden every now & again for a few months now, we have already had the RSPCA call to a neighbour as we caught him throwing stones at Lucky & David almost had a fight with him over it as he laughed about throwing them.

We have actually been in the garden once or twice at late evening or night when it has been thrown over & managed to pick it up before the pets got near it. There has been scones, sausages & now tonight corned beef thrown over. The cats were eating it, but we managed to get it. I have bagged the corned beef for it to be checked for poison as we do believe the food being tossed over is for sinister effects. Anyone got any advice or know what we can do? There have been rumours years ago that the neighbours in question poisoned a ladys doberman by poisoning steak & throwing it over, she moved & unfortunately is untraceable as I would like to ask her how much truth is in the rumours. Thankyou in advance for any advice, anything will be greatly appreciated.

27-03-2010, 10:30 PM
Oh my good God - if your suspicions are are founded then that's horrid. I think my first port of call would be the police. I would also do what you are and that is keeping the food and having it tested if only for your own peace of mind.

I don't have direct experience of this, but I tend to keep my cats in exactly because we live in an urban area where you get all kinds of weirdos who do sick things for kicks.

If these nutters are poisoning pets then they should be prosecuted through the appropriate channels.

27-03-2010, 10:42 PM
I'm not sure, but I assume your vets could sent a sample off to the poisons unit in London ( I think) and have it checked. Our vets call them when an animals has taken something it shouldn't for prognosis and treatment of said toxin. I woud assume they can also treat samples.
Hope you get this sorted out.

28-03-2010, 12:10 AM
How frightening ..... I'd certainly do what you can about getting the stuff tested, but then it only takes one bit and the other pieces could be OK. I think I'd try and keep any pets indoors until this is sorted out. I have been really lucky and never had neighbours from hell so can't really give practical advice.

28-03-2010, 01:53 AM
How horrible and scary! I've no experience with anything like this; my first reaction would be asking the police, and the suggestion of having your vet look into having it tested seems good. There are a lot of sick weirdos running around loose!

28-03-2010, 08:44 AM
Environmental health department at your local council.

You could also contact DEFRA - they are very helpful and take these things very seriously as that is also a threat to wildlife.

28-03-2010, 06:20 PM
Oh that's awful.
When do you think you will be getting the results back?

28-03-2010, 09:12 PM
Thanks for all replies, I'm just also so glad I don't have any fosters here at the moment as I couldn't bear them being in danger too, but it also means I cannot foster for a while until all this is sorted out. I'll give DEFRA, the council & environmental a call & see what they say. I'll have to find somewhere for the camera as they've got a 6ft wooden fence surrounding their garden, as cheeky sods have the cheek to complain about us & the kids being too noisy & being bad neighbours. They unfortunately own their house & also think they own the whole street. Dog warden is no good as we've had problems with him before, he's related to next door & claimed he heard our dog barking himself, so that's a no go before I even start. RSPCA havn't replied yet, hopefully I'll get a reply tomorrow. We'll speak to the police tomorrow & make sure they link this case to the last one. Thanks all.

28-03-2010, 09:52 PM
That's scary :shock: Hope you get it sorted soon Midnight :shock:

29-03-2010, 10:22 PM
Dreadful, and worrying. Hope someone responds and helps to sor the problem.

30-03-2010, 09:21 AM
Glad you 're taking all precautions to see if the meat is poisoned, Midnight. Hope the offenders get what they deserve if found guilty. Despicable behaviour.

I live in South Wales too, find this all very distressing as I live in a nice community. Lots of cats in our area. Some people are just nasty. :(

30-03-2010, 09:42 AM
I really hope you manage to get this sorted and those horrible people get what they deserve.

30-03-2010, 02:00 PM
not sure what the RSPCA does there... but here they are involved in investigating complaints of animal cruelty...and allegations of giving baited food to pets would fall under that heading... it might be worth a call to them to see what they advise...