View Full Version : How do you like your coffee???

08-03-2010, 10:22 AM
Following on from last night's thread .....

Fresh or instant; with or without milk; with sugar?

And if it's fresh (yummy) do you make it on the stove or in a percolator or a cafetiere??? What strength coffee do you like and do you buy Fair Trade?

I think I may try and find a photo of coffee drinking ..... and will post later if I do find one.

So, post anything to do with coffee peeps ............. perhaps which coffee shops you prefer too.

08-03-2010, 10:27 AM
i dont drink instant.... ewwwww nasty!!
and in fact im mainly a tea drinker.... except when we are out... and then i will have coffee... and then only if its fresh... AND they have skim milk.... a strong latte for me either that or a short black
funnily enough i only started drinking coffee because the very first time i went to America i couldn't get a proper cup of tea for love nor money so i started drinking coffee.... and a couple of years ago when i was in Brazil tried drinking coffee the way they do... very short, very black and very strong...and its actually quite good...

08-03-2010, 10:57 AM
Black only and strong. sometimes if I fancy it sweetened a bit I'll add a splash of caramel syrup but that's very rare.

I can't abide instant so will usually make a cafetiere if at home. At work we have a coffee machine with one of those insulated jugs on the go all the time.

When I go out to a coffee shop or after dinner I'll have a double espresso.

I will always (where possible) buy Illy coffee . . . just adore it :D

08-03-2010, 11:16 AM
My drink of choice is coffee black with sugar at home that is and always in a a china tea cup....won't drink out of mugs.

Tea (which I rarely drink) is with sugar and a splah of milk... but don't like milky tea.

Ou and about I like cappicino with the chocolate sprinkled on top.

08-03-2010, 11:57 AM
I'm afraid I grew up with disgusting instant coffee. I'll never understand why people drink it now - I expect it was the only thing available in England then which is probably why the English generally drink tea! I do have instant in my cupboard and it's really only convenience.

Fresh is so much better - a totally different drink. I like cafetiere coffee fairly strong, black no sugar. If out I do like cappuccino with the chocolate shavings. I'm amazed at what an art baristas can make out of making a delicious cup of coffee.

Still looking for that photo!

08-03-2010, 12:38 PM
hehe...def not instant..made in my coffeemaker every morning...medium blend, three shot glasses of ground for 12 cups worth. i love all the flavored creamers but they get expensive so when on a budget i will go for the powdered and then of course sweet and lo..three to a mug, lol.
tea i make incredibly weak..i dip the bag only a few times quite quickly and add sugar.
fave coffee place is a mall chain called gloria jeans..i grew up drinking their blended concoctions..yum!

08-03-2010, 03:47 PM
I'm afraid i'm a peasant ;) and drink instant, Nescafe (i love it) Not too strong, quite a bit of milk and two sugars. Can't face it first thing in the morning but enjoy it mid morning if not at work.
If i'm at a cafe etc i will choose Latte. Oh and i like coffee cream chocolates.

08-03-2010, 04:43 PM
Sorry Shelley - I didn't mean to be so rude about instant coffee. We are all entitled to our opinions and tastes. Beg pardon!

08-03-2010, 05:41 PM
I gave it up years ago. First our company perk of free coffee was discontinued, then my Dad who loved his coffee died, and it was just too much bother to make as I really preferred tea. Would occasionally have a cup after dinner when eating out, but it kept me awake, so simply stopped. When I drank it it was real, not instant, and in a percolator; black with sugar. Tea is preferably green, loose leaf, and plain. I don't like tea bags.

08-03-2010, 07:09 PM
At home we normally drink our coffee from a Nespresso machine, I swear this is the best tasting coffee I have ever had, everybody who has tried it goes out and buys a machine (you can only buy the coffee direct from Nespresso)

Normally have it with milk and sometimes with a sweetener. If I am low carbing I will have it with cream.

08-03-2010, 07:22 PM
Sorry Shelley - I didn't mean to be so rude about instant coffee. We are all entitled to our opinions and tastes. Beg pardon!

:lol: :lol: I never thought you were being rude angie.

08-03-2010, 07:25 PM
I'm not a coffee drinker myself I've tried it a couple of times but it's really not for me. I can't stand the smell or the taste so I stick to tea mostly PG tips tea :-D Love it :lol:
I also like hot chocolate on really cold days with cream and marshmallows. Mmmm....sorry that's just totally gone off topic :lol:

08-03-2010, 08:31 PM
Another coffee lover here. Prefer it made in cafetiere medium roast. Like to try out different blends etc so no real favourite.

Like it no sugar, some milk.

Have been known to drink instant at work, but only if I'm cold or stressed. Generally I'm on water or diet coke.

I don't mind it out of a mug but it had to be fine china - not one of these heavy thick rimmed things.

08-03-2010, 09:13 PM
I agree with Kazz .... has to be in a bone china cup.

09-03-2010, 09:50 AM
I only drink fresh black coffee, fairly strong with no sugar. If I'm out shopping then I'll have a double espresso (snap Yola!) and at home we use a filter machine or a cafetiere. I buy Colombian beans from Waitrose and grind them at home as and when needed. Like others I far prefer a china cup and saucer while OH has a mug (unless we have company!) It's funny, but I always have a refill yet I don't think I could face that amount of coffee in a large mug.:-/

09-03-2010, 11:14 AM
I have the best of both worlds ........ a bone china mug!

09-03-2010, 11:24 AM
I love my Emma Bridgewater mugs; I do have bone china cups but I never use them unless we have a dinner party - which is never at the moment!

But I have to say, on the rare occasion I have tea (herbal or earl grey with lemion and NEVER with milk) I'll drink it out of a tea glass with a metal holder and handle.

09-03-2010, 11:40 AM
not a huge coffee drinker, but when i do, i like it medium roast, made in a cafetier, in a huuuge mug and with cream! no sugar mmmmm ... if im feeling indulgant, ill thrown in a shot of Baileys instead of cream.... yummy

much prefer tea tho, either chai or earl grey... :) also in a big mug... i really dont do small cups lol

09-03-2010, 03:57 PM
I love mocha coffee... its an excuse for a sweet coffee without actually adding sugar!!

09-03-2010, 05:04 PM
We have a Starbucks on almost every corner here (well, I do exaggerate a bit, but they are really all over) ... would you believe I've never been in one?

09-03-2010, 05:12 PM
I don't rate Starbucks at all. Their coffee IMO is too weak. I like Cafe Nero best, or Costa. Mind you, I haven't been out to a coffee shop for yonks.

(Spookily and quite coincidentally I was reading about Lloyd's of London, the insurance underwriters today. Started off in Lloyd's coffee shop in Tower Street, London in 1688. One branch of my ancestors was involved in one of the syndicates sometime later, so this thread has a sort of connection for me!)