View Full Version : Feliway Diffusers

28-10-2009, 05:37 PM
I read on a thread on here a short time ago about Feliway Diffusers..has anyone tried them ? only my local pet store has them on offer at £22.50..and I was thinking of getting one..it may calm the kitten down and stop him scratching the furniture, and attacking/playing with Tommy, which usually ends up in a fight....

28-10-2009, 06:08 PM
I use them, usually plug one in a week before i leave on a house sit, just helps Eva to adjust to my absense a little better.
It wont stop the kitten scratching furnature though as they sctratch, not only to sharpen claws but to scent as well. I used a product called sticky paws when I bought a new sofa, which helped. Its a bit like double sided tape, but check that it would be suitable for your furnature.

28-10-2009, 07:07 PM
I used the diffuser for about a year when Balie was at his most stressed (after Myshka's arrival) and he was toiletting everywhere and very nervous. I've stopped at the moment because although he's pretty well confining himself to our bedroom he seems quite happy with it and will respond positively when you spend time with him there.

So in terms of smoothing over irate/stressed/hyper kitties by all means, but as Elaine rightly says it won't help with furniture scratching - although it may contribute to resolving it.

It can take several weeks to take effect so best stock up on a couple of refil bottles as my experience showed it 'diffused' very quickly!!

28-10-2009, 07:41 PM
I've never used one, but many of the members here have reported positive results; I would try one if I had a stressy/high-strung cat; Leia is very laid back. Give it s try, John.

Does the kitten have a name?

28-10-2009, 11:45 PM
hi and thanks for all your replies..ok I reckon I will buy one this weekend ..maybe help the pair of them to mellow out a little..
the kittens name Simba..he is white with tabby markins..and he is very friendly..I have tried posting pothos a few times but does not seem to work..Im just crap on a pc..lolo.

28-10-2009, 11:55 PM
Simba! Like the name. Do you have your pics hosted on Photobucket, John? If so, there's a Helplink here. I'd love to see Tommy and Simba.

28-10-2009, 11:59 PM
Hi John - if you are OK with buying online PetPlanet (http://www.petplanet.co.uk/category.asp?dept_id=54) have current offers on Feliway and there is a spray now too.

29-10-2009, 11:44 AM
Hi angieh ..thanks for the link to Petplanet .it looks as if there is only about 50p differance in price. but it will be good to compare prices on other items..
Hi DM ..I did try once with photobucket . but I wiil have another go

29-10-2009, 12:11 PM
I've never used Feliway so I can't comment on it, but re - the scratching, have you got a scratching post of some sort and shown Simba how to use it (I had to do that once as one of our long-ago cats just didn't get it. :roll:) I have also when needed used a spray to make those particular chair legs or whatever less attractive, I used a citronella based one it was more effective than some of the others.

29-10-2009, 01:15 PM
We LOVE Feliway... :-D

Always have 2 diffusers going and keep the refills & sprays ready for emergencies!!!

DO shop around tho.... Prices vary greatly..... Vet UK are where I get mine from & feel free to PM me for the link which will donate a % of your spend to castaways animal rescue too!!!

Hope it helps!!! ;)

29-10-2009, 04:06 PM
MrsH had a good point about the scratching post. If you don't want to invest in a commercial one, a good sized dead tree branch will work perfecrly fine. I have one that I rescued when the tree people were cutting down a dead tree in the neighborhood; have had it for years and my cats all used it. Most of them ignored the bought one. Also the citronella spray is an excellent suggestion: cats dislike the smell of citrus.

I'm no Photobucket expert, but please PM me if you have any questions about the photos, John. I may be able to help.

06-11-2009, 10:37 PM
When I first got Koko............ small feral and totally disturbed, I used Feliway. Did it make a difference? You know in all honesty I don't know. I felt I was doing something.

She really only came round when Raja came to stay.... she really wanted a friend.

I have several scratching posts......... they use them with huge gusto.....and everywhere else. :D Got a cat? Forget fine furniture!

06-11-2009, 10:39 PM
Oh they don't like the smell of citronella? I do! Visions of me spraying the stair carpets, the chair arms etc etc!

06-11-2009, 11:20 PM
Hi Everybody..i have a scatching post.but i think the kitten attacks the furniture because he knows he shouldnt..its to wind me up..the little sod is playing because he knows i will chase him..I bought a feliway. not sure if its working yet..fore the past couple of nights Tommy and Simba have been up in my bedroom ..fireworks ..they seem to get on alright together..