View Full Version : Smudge was back at the vet today.

20-10-2009, 11:02 PM
I took Smudge into the vet as she has been weeing on the windowsill again, and last night was very constipated. She has been given antibiotics and is now on cystese, I've also got a miralax enema to give her if needed, but there is a concern she may also be heading towards CRF.
I've had her in a couple of times with this problem, and bloods have been taken each time, but they only show a slight increase in urea. She doesn't appear stressed, and I plugged in a feliway anyway. I've noticed her sitting by the water bowl more often and her eyes are sunken, but she is eating well. Her thyroid levels were still high at the last test, so her dose was increased, but the vet wants to leave it another week or so, to see if the meds kick in, before blood testing again. It is so unlike her to be weeing outside the tray, it really worries me, I'm not giving her metacam at the moment in case it is her kidneys, but what if its because she's sore and can't be bothered.
I really wish they could talk, it could be so many things or combination of things but I worry more when I don't know what is going on, once I know, even if it is bad news, I can cope better.

21-10-2009, 01:57 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this, Farthing. Yes, if they could only talk, and it is the not knowing what it is that's so distressing. I can't comment medically, just sending "get better" vibes for Smudge, and a (((hug))) to you. Keep us posted, please.

21-10-2009, 12:56 PM
Sending buckets of healing vibes....Hope she picks up soon.....

21-10-2009, 01:48 PM
Healing vibes and stuff from me and my two as well. Hope she picks up.