View Full Version : Maiseys Spey

14-10-2009, 09:18 AM
Just phoned the vets about it. The vet is going too phone me back about if i can dry her milk up. The receptionist said they like them too get back into shape before the spey and also with her having colitas they might need too see her. For the colitas i took her too PDSA which i dont like using unless there's no alternative at the time. Her speying will not be done at the pdsa.

14-10-2009, 04:01 PM
Hope that she'll dry up and can have her op ASAP!

14-10-2009, 05:30 PM
Hope it all goes well......

16-10-2009, 02:57 PM
I havent had much time over the last few months to keep tabs on all of whats been going on with Maisey and the kittens but wanted to ask some questions....
When was she diagnosed with colitis? Were stool samples taken? Bloods tests done? Was she tested for FIV and Felv? Has a biopsy been done?
All manner of things can cause severe runny tums, the most common being parasites, the last I read she had had some panacur which DOESNT cover the common tape worm.
To the best of my knowledge, a vet would want to discount parasites before diagnosing something as serious as colitis, thyey would also want to discount FIV, and Felv, especially as she was a stray.
I would have thought that if a wormer didnt help they would then want a feacal sample, if that showed nothing then maybe some blood tests to see what the liver values etc were. As far as I am aware things like IBS and Colitis cannt really be diagnosed until all these things have been ruled out and a biopsy of the colon taken.
If IBS of Colitis is diagnosed then usually anti inflamatories and sometimes steriods are prescribed as well as looking at the diet and possibly adding fibre.
Sorry Jane, I am just not convinced that these things have been done and that she has Colitis. I dont mean to sound like I am having a go, coz I'm not, if a vet has told you this then I would seriously get a second opinion.