View Full Version : Wailing Poppy

07-10-2009, 07:43 PM
For the last couple of months Poppy has been on a prescription diet, (Hills) by the vet as she is still a little overweight. Trouble is, she still keeps yelling for more and will not keep quiet until she gets more than the 45g she was prescribed for. (she weighs a stone whatever that is in kg I don't know) She gets plenty of water whenever she needs it. She needs to get down to 4kg I think Last time at the vet she was 6.7
The practice nurse is going to put her on another diet, but I don't know if that will help, as she is so lazy, and half heartedly plays with her toys, if in the garden she just sits and watches the fish in the pond! She was a rescue cat we got from our vet, possibly a middle aged cat, but is very loving and 'talks' a lot, but this diet is driving me crazy with her wailing as if she's come from the desert! Any ideas?

07-10-2009, 08:10 PM
I appreciate your problem with Poppy Serena - well the losing weight rather than the wailing. My Kizzy is on a diet - she has to lose around a kilo. She gets 25g of her biscuits (Royal Canin Digestive Comfort plus some Hills Science adult) twice a day. I have to stop her eating our kitten's biscuits and vice versa. I am lucky she doesn't cry because sometimes it is obvious she is hungry and can't have any more food until the next morning or evening. She is only a youngish cat - between 1 and 2 years and so we are trying to up her exercise level and having a kitten has helped with that. It's just the look she gives us, fair tears your heartstrings.

Is Poppy on a light prescription diet?

I do sympathise and of course they don't understand why they must eat less.

07-10-2009, 08:13 PM
Dylan needs to lose a little bit of weight as well, the best thing to do is say NO MORE in a firm voice and not put any more down, or alternatively if Poppy's not too overweight, give her a few pieces more after she's eaten what she's got then not give her any more.

Or put half of what she's allowed down first then when she's finished that put the other half down.

07-10-2009, 08:15 PM
I sympathise, my Diva is a large girl and she was the same when she was put on a diet by the vet.
Is it possible to supplement her a with a little wet food? I have heard of people who have in the past added some bran to some wet food to bulk it out a bit but please get advise from your vet before doing anything like that.
A laser pen can sometimes get Eva off her fat bum for a bit of excersise.

09-10-2009, 09:24 PM
Thanks very much to everyone who replied. I will try to say No More but it is hard when a cat looks at you it almost melts you completely, she doesn't have wet food as the vet said dry food (a light prescription diet) I have put down half in the morning and half in the afternoon yet she still tries to yell at me, but she is going on a new diet which I am picking up from the vet tomorrow will let you know what it is and how she gets on with it later. She does try to test me by making all sorts of noises, like a growl /purr and humming to get me to let me her have 'just a little more' but have to be firm. but the look she gives me almost makes me forget to be firm. Will write in a weeks time - Thanks to all again Serena

09-10-2009, 10:10 PM
I'll never understand why vets put cats on a dry food only diet:roll:
But good luck with it all any way.

09-10-2009, 10:13 PM
I do agree with Elaine there; cannot understand their reasoning. Good luck, do check back in with results.

09-10-2009, 11:01 PM
How much is she supposed to eat. I am sat here thinking about what a vet said about guinness once. He then was on a perscription only diet dry as well we was feeding him for the weight he was not the weight he needed to be. Also cats dont loose weight very quickly you might not even notice it at all. Poopy will weigh about 14lb 14oz so over a stone dont worry it will come off Guinness has lost some weight gradulaly and now can chase kado all the time but still goes for a sleep outside the shop

09-10-2009, 11:03 PM
Can you maybe try splitting it into more small meals then (perhaps) she won't feel so hungry - or it won't be so long between meals.

Cats do have the ability to put on a starving face and tug at these old heartstrings. Must be hard if she tugs and shouts!!

Good luck.

10-10-2009, 10:06 PM
Did the vet (or vet nurse) suggest a puzzle feeder? You may want to try one of those. That way she gets exercise but the thing is that she has to work for it, therefore taking her mind off food, and hopefully stopping meowing.

Or like other people have said, try giving her food more often but splitting her food into smaller quantities.

10-10-2009, 10:25 PM
Little but often has kept Leia at the same weight. She's an expert at the poor starving cat face. ..... hard to pull off when you're 14 pounds!

11-10-2009, 01:23 PM
The trouble is with my Tigger (she is a little bit fat) that she runs up and down everywhere and meows consistently, rather than that poor sad hungry face. Not fun at 3 am!

04-11-2009, 05:33 PM
Poppy has lost weight at last! she is down to 6.4 not a lot, but she looks slimmer and happier. She is on another light prescription diet form - Royal Canin for Obesity management, the other stuff seemed to make her more hungry, hence her yelling for 'more please!' she is a lot more happier, doesn't yell so much, and plays a lot more which also helps her to lose weight. Still she has a way to go to get more weight off, but if we persevere wth this diet she should still go down more. will let you know later on. Once she is slimmer I will try to get a pic of her on the web site. love to all cats on catsey!x

04-11-2009, 06:01 PM
Oh that is excellent news! Do keep us posted. And you could do a Before and After set of pics ...we do love pics here!

04-11-2009, 09:01 PM
That's such good news Serena. Thanks for the update. I am very glad the Poppy is wailing so much ....... bet you are too!

Gumby Cat
09-11-2009, 06:55 PM
I fear Solomon is still overweight, I put my back out picking him up on Saturday! He's off to the vet again tomorrow for a further blood test and presumably more steroids. :roll: