View Full Version : Do you fuss your cats?

06-10-2009, 09:11 PM
Do you fuss your cats or do your cats fuss you?

Dylan loves being fussed for a few minutes then he wants to fuss you :-D

06-10-2009, 09:59 PM
If i lay down on the settee depends who see's me first jumps up and cuddles into my arm with the other layed next too him i give them a talk and tell them to goto sleep. The kittens have started to sleep on me as well so they get an extra hug

06-10-2009, 10:15 PM
It's sort of mutual fussing with Kizzy - sometimes she jumps onto my lap and wants smoothing, other times it's just a rub around the legs! She's funny when she's come in wet and definitely wants to be dried off, but sort of comes for a pass of the kitchen towel, wanders away and then comes back for more. Sometimes she'll lie on her back and she loves to have her tummy rubbed!

Pip (being a young boy) is sometimes quite affectionate and at other times, well please mummy DON'T!

06-10-2009, 10:35 PM
Its not only my cats but my neighbours cats fuss me. They all come over to me either for a belly rub or a chin tickle

15-11-2009, 02:19 AM
Its not only my cats but my neighbours cats fuss me. They all come over to me either for a belly rub or a chin tickle what it is you see kado is you've got a 'come to me and fuss me' vibe :lol:

15-11-2009, 09:28 AM
Meeka curls up on my lap and meows if i'm not giving her any fuss, she likes me to rub her nose and ears, this can go on for half an hour then she goes to sleep,

she is a cuddly kind of kitty, she only comes to me though never anyone else :)

15-11-2009, 11:42 AM
i get lots of fuss off my 2. they adore a tummy tickle bigtime. i get a little girl cat come up to me when im out. i call her *painted lady* as shes a tortie. but looks like shes been dabbed with a paint brush. such a pretty girl.
1 of my neighbours calls me a mad cat lady :)

15-11-2009, 03:15 PM
Some people are just "cat magnets"! Lucky, I'd say.

Pip definitely prefers my OH.

15-11-2009, 07:10 PM
Uuumm, well Polly will tolerate a bit of a cootchie if she's asking for grub, otherwise its 'touch me on my terms only, or its at your peril'. Jenny is much the same. :-D

However, big Biggles is a right softy and rolls about on his back asking for a tum tickle. He is quite a cuddly lad, but its hard work to have this huge lump of mog sprawled over yer legs for any length of time. :roll: ;)

15-11-2009, 09:58 PM
Leia isn't much of a lap cat; she ocasionally favors me with her presence, but the lap mustn't wiggle or she hops off indignantly. But we have a nightly grooming and tummy tickling session which we both enjoy.