View Full Version : Guinness has been a naughty boy

21-09-2009, 11:36 PM
Went in my local shop today. The owner said was i avoiding her i said no. She said her OH had to chase Guinness out of her car, He got in when they got out the only trouble was they had the fresh meat in for the shop. I realy didnt know what to say. Guinness has a realy bad habbit of getting in anybodys car he just wants to go out for a ride. We nearly took him to tip one day and only realised when he sat up and meowed. Luckly the cats are never out when we are and we always sit in the kitchen so i rescue him all the time

21-09-2009, 11:37 PM
Ooops!!!Naughty boy, he just fancied a picnic while he went for a ride in the car!I have to check everybodys cars who come here, all my boys get in them!!!:oops:

21-09-2009, 11:58 PM
Oh, had to laugh at that! My Dandy was the odd cat who loved car rides; when someone pulled up to park when I was walking him on his harness he'd dash to their door and want in!

22-09-2009, 09:23 AM
Thankfully mine are just not that curious! All associate the car with vet trips so I don't have a problem. It doesn't stop me worrying that they will hop into the back of a van when workmen are working locally so I tend to keep them in if vans are standing open for any length of time.

Is this the shop neighbour who was ranting some time back about your cat/s pooing in her 'garden'?

22-09-2009, 12:55 PM
Yes it is. In the past she also said i gave her kittens the runs by putting cat nip down for my cats. Her other cat picked it up and it upset the kittens tummy's. And could i keep the cats out of the shop the door is always open because somebody had complained to her. Its mainly guinness he realy just loves attention. He lies down outside the shop and rolls on his back for his belly to be tickled when he see's a costomer. The majority of people do know him and he usualy gets a stroke

22-09-2009, 01:00 PM
Guinness is a naughty boy! Kizzy once got into my OH's car in the driveway. We didn't know she'd slipped inside and were amazed to see her inside pawing at the window to come out again. Luckily, we had no meat inside ....... difficult to know what to say in a case like that. I've never had a cat before who wanted to get into a car - luckily, she's not done it again!