View Full Version : Weaning

18-09-2009, 04:10 PM
The vet nurse said i could try to get them to taste the food now. I have know idea on how to wean them on to food at all. I am starting to feed Maisey right in front of the kittens box. All they want to do is climb out and walk every where. Nearly all the other cats are ok with this Lucky even washed them this morning. Any advice would be gladly used

18-09-2009, 04:31 PM
How old are they now? I used to begin weaning my handreared babies at about 3 weeks by putting a shallow bowl of soaked biscuits that I mashed up into the pen with them a couple of times a day (they were still being bottle-fed at this point) To begin with they'll probably just walk through and slide about in it :roll: but they tended to clean their paws, tasting it that way. If mum is in with them, maybe give them a bowl while she is eating her meals?

18-09-2009, 04:32 PM
Jane - I've sent you a PM on weaning!

18-09-2009, 04:34 PM
I tried putting some cooled water mashed up with some whiskas kitten supermeat which Maisey is still on. She is so relaxed with them that i think she will continue for ages. They are 4 wks tomorrow. All bundles of fun but not at 11pm when they wake up.

18-09-2009, 04:34 PM
Found this, hope it is helpful,

A kitten's eyes are generally fully open by ten days old (they begin to open at seven days). By three or four weeks a kitten is mobile and able to eat at least some solid food. The kitten is also ready for the litterpan as soon as it can toddle to it. (I recommend introduction to the litterpan by three weeks with expectation of seeing some independent use of the pan by four weeks.)

18-09-2009, 06:11 PM
Are you using wet or dry?

18-09-2009, 06:42 PM
Wet. Its the whiskas supermeat for kittens. Just triedthem. Chunkie licked a couple of bits of my fingers.

18-09-2009, 07:56 PM
try adding some hot water to the meat to warm it up cos their not great at locating the food if its cold

18-09-2009, 09:12 PM
When I start weaning, I add some warm water to the meat & put it on their paws & their faces, they hate being dirty & wash it off themselves & each other, they get the taste & they are away! ;)

18-09-2009, 09:17 PM
When I start weaning, I add some warm water to the meat & put it on their paws & their faces, they hate being dirty & wash it off themselves & each other, they get the taste & they are away! ;)

That's what I did and soaked some biscuits to a mush too as I have mine on wet and dry. Just use tiny amounts at first as they won't eat much at all to start with.