View Full Version : Sticky eye

08-09-2009, 12:31 PM
One of Maiseys babies Chunkie had a sticky eye this morning none of the others did. There all putting on weight. I bathed it in tepid water and it was ok. I had too do it 2 hrs later. Should i take him to vets. I plan to take them on the 18th for a check up as i need my next lot of frontline for the adults. If it get worse i will of course take him. They all have started walking around well trying too. Am i panicking too much.

08-09-2009, 01:29 PM
Hi Kado!
You should boil some water in a kettle, then pour a little of the boiling water on a clean saucer and add a tiny pinch of salt. Then let it cool for say 10 mins, don't want to burn kittens eye... Then you can bath kittens eye with it, using different swabs for each eye, so as not to spread infection to the other eye.
Give it a few of days, and if you don't see an improvement or it gets worse, a vets visit MAY be needed.
I am glad the little family are doing well :D

08-09-2009, 01:49 PM
Thanks for that. I have also got them a new blanket incase there was dirt on the other . Maisey was fine with me changing it as well

08-09-2009, 02:15 PM
I meant to say bath the little ones eye at least twice a day this way! ;)