View Full Version : Cats Protection Volunteers

22-08-2009, 04:00 PM
How many of our members here are CP volunteers?

22-08-2009, 04:00 PM
I Foster for my local CP............

22-08-2009, 04:08 PM
I foster for Telford and Wrekin branch :)

22-08-2009, 04:11 PM
I foster for Telford and Wrekin branch :)
What have you got at the mo Alex??

22-08-2009, 04:14 PM
Me. I do the neuturing line for Stourbridge. West Midlands.
Smudgley who is away, also volunteers for this branch too Homing officer and fosterer...

Can I ask why?

22-08-2009, 04:19 PM
I just wondered how many we had here, that was all.

22-08-2009, 05:19 PM
What have you got at the mo Alex??

At the moment I have Bubbles in one pen. She is a white and ginger female, who is missing her tail (not sure why though). She was a CP cat in january, but the family who took her brought her back last week as she has had a long term incontinence problem and it is not rectifying itself properly, and as they have a baby who has started crawling, it's not ideal. She doesn't do it all the time, but I'm thinking it may have been stress related and she needs a quiet home without young children. We think she's about 3

in the other pen I have Buffy and Smudge, 5 (approx) year old sisters. Both white and both have some damage to their ears through skin cancer, but not been operated on as yet. These poor girls have been passed from pillar to post, due to moves, family break ups etc, and are very nervous. They have been living in a garden for the last wee while being fed due to the previous owner having to sleep on friends couches. They are very nervous, growly and such, but they do love a petting lol. Unfortunately one of them isn't very good at using a litter tray at all, and half the time it ends up on the floor. So all in all, I have 3 cats who need some work, and someone very special to love them :)

22-08-2009, 05:41 PM
Hope they find their special homes...poor babies!

22-08-2009, 08:14 PM
That's so sad, Alex. Hope those two can find the right loving home soon....

22-08-2009, 09:28 PM
Special homes Alex - poor things.

22-08-2009, 10:00 PM
I just wondered how many we had here, that was all.

Thinking of joining or adopting...

22-08-2009, 10:08 PM
You know Kazz, my sister and I contacted them to volunteer and were passed onto our local branch (after some questions e.t.c) and they never ever got back to us, I rang a couple of times to be told they'd have a look and ring back and they never did. Perhaps nothing for us to do as I can't drive and can't foster either...

22-08-2009, 10:30 PM
You know Kazz, my sister and I contacted them to volunteer and were passed onto our local branch (after some questions e.t.c) and they never ever got back to us, I rang a couple of times to be told they'd have a look and ring back and they never did. Perhaps nothing for us to do as I can't drive and can't foster either...
I am sure you could help in other way Random.......;) Pity they did not get back to you....
They asked me to foster....

22-08-2009, 10:35 PM
I'd love to foster if I could Moli, I said I was happy to do whatever, inc. cleaning out pens, help in socialising feral/semi ferals as i'm very confident with cats (obviously!) and am not put off with hissy spitty, I said I didn't mind getting buses or trains to wherever (at my own expense of course), they did ask all sorts at the main branch and said they noted it all down but when they passed it onto our branch, nothing from them. Ho hum, I did try, perhaps when I do finally pass my test I could help with transportation.

22-08-2009, 10:36 PM
I was quite excited at being a 'lion tamer' or a 'cat cuddler' as they put it! :mrgreen:

22-08-2009, 10:37 PM
I have often thought of getting involved but the Aberdeen branch is sooo up it's own backside, they'd much rather bitch and backstab amongst themselves as well as it being a case of "if your face fits". Personally I find that kinda stuff dispicable, it should be about the animals and not about whether you like this person or not. There are many people i dont much care for but I cannt fault them on how they look after their animals.
Sorry for the rant but it makes me mad.

22-08-2009, 10:37 PM
kazz: I am already an volunteer.

random: it seems strange. Was yours a branch or one with an adoption centre? If it was a branch, then I am sure that you could have helped, for example in their shop (if they had one) or on the fundraising side. Usually with volunteer run branches (ones without an adoption centre) the people who are running them have full time jobs, so it is possible that they could have forgotten. But saying that, the branches do vary. Our adoption centre's covers half of an another branch (no shelter). Half the time, we have to pass information onto them, as people are generally unaware that they exist! Plus unlike the other 5 branches we share our territory with (only 1 other adoption centre) that particular one won't do any home visits for us, even though in a lot of cases, they are closer.

22-08-2009, 10:38 PM
Erin, will you please remember to blooming log out when you use my pc please;)

22-08-2009, 10:38 PM
I was quite excited at being a 'lion tamer' or a 'cat cuddler' as they put it! :mrgreen::lol: :lol: :lol:
You would be no good as a foster Random..................you would keep them all!!!:roll: :roll: :lol:

22-08-2009, 10:40 PM
Erin, will you please remember to blooming log out when you use my pc please;)

Sorry that was me;)

22-08-2009, 10:42 PM
Sorry that was me;)
:roll: :lol: Ello Lainey:lol:

22-08-2009, 10:43 PM
kazz: I am already an volunteer.

random: it seems strange. Was yours a branch or one with an adoption centre? If it was a branch, then I am sure that you could have helped, for example in their shop (if they had one) or on the fundraising side. Usually with volunteer run branches (ones without an adoption centre) the people who are running them have full time jobs, so it is possible that they could have forgotten. But saying that, the branches do vary. Our adoption centre's covers half of an another branch (no shelter). Half the time, we have to pass information onto them, as people are generally unaware that they exist! Plus unlike the other 5 branches we share our territory with (only 1 other adoption centre) that particular one won't do any home visits for us, even though in a lot of cases, they are closer.

No adoption centre, they do have a shop and my sister had actually asked to work in (she went in the shop and asked) but they didn't need anyone apparently. As I said the main branch seemed very welcoming and enthusiastic and they sent out info and stuff, emails e.t.c and our branch sent out a letter but that was it and never returned calls. I just got to thinking that perhaps I couldn't do anything they needed people for doing, like transporting and fostering.

22-08-2009, 10:44 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:
You would be no good as a foster Random..................you would keep them all!!!:roll: :roll: :lol:

Hahahah shhhhh :-D ;) You know me so well Moli lol! I said no sorry, but not fostering, as much as i'd like to I know my limitations and 6 permanent feline residents are enough!

22-08-2009, 10:45 PM
I have often thought of getting involved but the Aberdeen branch is sooo up it's own backside, they'd much rather bitch and backstab amongst themselves as well as it being a case of "if your face fits".

We used to have a worker like that. Fortunately she has now left, and works in a local vet. Apparently (according to one of our Cat Care Assistants who used to work there) she is not very popular there, and the vets will only use her to assist if there is no other person available.

We are luckily as far as the cat care assistants goes, we have some really nice people. But saying that we had once a person who completely ignored a nasty cat fight and was more ingrossed in talking to the (temporary) manager. In fact that is what she spent most of the time doing.

random: if it has been a while I would try again. The last but one manager we had was completely useless and turned a lot of people away (in fact she spent a lot of time in the office with the door locked). Our current manager is wanting more people to volunteer. But she presses more for people to come and clean which is not suitable for everyone. But we need more people to come and spend time with the cats too!

22-08-2009, 10:49 PM
I have often thought of getting involved but the Aberdeen branch is sooo up it's own backside, they'd much rather bitch and backstab amongst themselves as well as it being a case of "if your face fits". Personally I find that kinda stuff dispicable, it should be about the animals and not about whether you like this person or not. There are many people i dont much care for but I cannt fault them on how they look after their animals.
Sorry for the rant but it makes me mad.

Hello Elaine in disguise lol.
It is confusing when your sister does that...
Elaines reasons are EXACTLY why I no longer volunteer for them... Though it has been 7 years since I did... But reading between the lines, it has got worse since! Should be about the cats, not peoples egos, totally agree with Elaine on this!
I always seem to be sucking up your bottom Elaine, but as usual you speak such sense...:D

22-08-2009, 10:50 PM
No adoption centre, they do have a shop and my sister had actually asked to work in (she went in the shop and asked) but they didn't need anyone apparently. As I said the main branch seemed very welcoming and enthusiastic and they sent out info and stuff, emails e.t.c and our branch sent out a letter but that was it and never returned calls. I just got to thinking that perhaps I couldn't do anything they needed people for doing, like transporting and fostering.
There is a lot more to it than fostering and transporting though....Its a shame, you would have been brilliant...;) Pity you are not up here, we are desperate for people...:(

22-08-2009, 10:56 PM
Also although I primarily help out in the adoption centre I have also done street collecting. I am sure that most branches will appreciate help with the fundraising side. It's probably a bit late in the year (most branches have finished their street collections this year) though. There is also the paperwork side (mostly but not limited to issuing neutering vouchers). There is a lot more to the CP than cleaning up after cat poo!

22-08-2009, 11:06 PM
Hello Elaine in disguise lol.
It is confusing when your sister does that...
Elaines reasons are EXACTLY why I no longer volunteer for them... Though it has been 7 years since I did... But reading between the lines, it has got worse since! Should be about the cats, not peoples egos, totally agree with Elaine on this!
I always seem to be sucking up your bottom Elaine, but as usual you speak such sense...:D

Suck away, I love a good ego massage:lol: :lol: :lol:
No seriously though, it does really annoy me. One recent instance was when i friend of mine, who is an SSPCA inspector and helps out for CP with fostering and kitten rearing etc, anyway she had 2 feral kittens in and asked me if I knew of any one who would take them on. I rang around and texted people I thought would be suitable, knowledgable and experienced with ferals. One woman came forward and said that she would be happy to help. Now I know this woman personally, she has years of experience with ferals, years of experience with working for the CP in a different area and aALL of her cats are well cared for and healthy.
The SSPCA friend then said that she wanted to rehome the kitten via the CP so that they would get the renumeration for it at the year end. When she conacted the CP and put my friend forward for the kittens, she was told not to rehome them to my friend as her cats were diseased.
What angers me most is that NO ONE has EVER gone out to do a home check on my friend and these lies come from an Aberdeen Outer branch after my friend had asked them if she could borrow a trap, and even they hadnt been out to do a home check.
Each individual should be judged on their own merit and in order to do that you must do a home check.

22-08-2009, 11:09 PM
Thats ridiculous and if it was me, I would be complaining....:evil:

22-08-2009, 11:11 PM
There is a lot more to it than fostering and transporting though....Its a shame, you would have been brilliant...;) Pity you are not up here, we are desperate for people...:(

Oh I know there is a lot more to it otherwise I wouldn't have bothered volunteering but perhaps they have all those positions filled, I really don't know Moli as the main branch I spoke to seemed really pleased as I had experience in looking after cats and all things cat, lol, not like i'm a novice but nevermind! I think a train ride up there is probably a little bit too far out of my way. ;) :-D

22-08-2009, 11:11 PM
A complaint did go in but nothing has come of it.:twisted:

22-08-2009, 11:14 PM
Our branch is quite small, and most of us get on really well, although we do have a couple of pains in the ***!!!

22-08-2009, 11:14 PM
A complaint did go in but nothing has come of it.:twisted:

If you complained to the local branch, I would write to the HQ. I am sure someone here could give you the contact details if you do not already have it.

22-08-2009, 11:15 PM
I am sure the complaint DID go the HQ.

22-08-2009, 11:17 PM
If it did go to HQ then it is disappointed that it has not been taken up. I am not sure what you can do, other than directly addressing it to Peter Hepburn.

22-08-2009, 11:18 PM
I'll pass that onto my friend, thankyou.

23-08-2009, 11:38 AM
Thankfully most of our branch gets on alright with each other, but we have had one or two cause probs in the past, and it doesn't make for nice relations at all. My personal bugbear, is the interpretation of the CP guidlines!! I really wish headoffice would once and for all come out with a list of do's and don'ts. Instead of individual branches reading it their own way. ie, some rehome kittens to young families, others won't rehome if under 5's live there, some won't rehome beside a busy road, even if it's an indoor cat only. it drives me potty!!!

23-08-2009, 11:42 AM
Thankfully most of our branch gets on alright with each other, but we have had one or two cause probs in the past, and it doesn't make for nice relations at all. My personal bugbear, is the interpretation of the CP guidlines!! I really wish headoffice would once and for all come out with a list of do's and don'ts. Instead of individual branches reading it their own way. ie, some rehome kittens to young families, others won't rehome if under 5's live there, some won't rehome beside a busy road, even if it's an indoor cat only. it drives me potty!!!

I would agree with that too Alex. Some interpretations are just ludicrous. As I said before, each potential home should be judged on its own merit, common sense and responsibility.

23-08-2009, 03:15 PM
Just to say I fostered and did trapping, fund raising - we still put about £2000 in to our old branch of CP but when we moved despite nice noises the CP here just didn't want to know

Having never even bothered to come to our home to see our set up and meet the mob - mainly ferals but some nice ones to and even a rescue raggie live here with us - we have a large house and grounds

We still do some local trapping and I neuter, inject and ID chip everything I trap - so far 8 this year and release back outside as most are worse then my own dodgy ferals

My outside mob eat the same as my own cats and have heatpads in the winter so no discrimination here!

I will say when I fostered we also covered all vets fees, food and litter and our last branch nearly went in to mourning when we moved - I am still active for them and do a charity sponsered walk for them every year - we do 300 miles in the day for that privilage and they get the monies previously mentioned donated every year its so nice to know that our local branches can forgo that money in todays financial climate

We also were paid to foster under our employers charity schemes so our last branch still get some of that to as I have 3 older ferals we took on last year - we have done all the good stuff for them dentals injections etc and all now live in our bedroom - their colony was posioned and we aere their last hope

23-08-2009, 10:38 PM
I carry out PR and marketing for my branch here in Reading; would do more but time just does't permit. It's now a very friendly and on the whole cohesive team, but when I first joined it was run by a bit of a power-crazed woman who picked on me at the wrong time (I was pregnant with my first son; hormonal and had been a bit unwell) and got a strongly-worded resignation letter which was circulated to all comittee members.

She subsequently was forced to resign (it was a very delicate operation which was masterminded with precision and timing) and the branch was taken over by the current coordinator who is a real go-getter and has transformed things hugely. She's great to work with and really engenders team spirit.

29-08-2009, 04:33 PM
Sometimes head office is it's own worse enemy. For example this week someone from there told us we cant clip claws any more! I have a nasty bite mark because one of the cats has some rather long claws and it got stuck in my tshirt. She got upset and I got the bite. Whereas before, it would not have got into that situation, as someone would have clipped her claws.