View Full Version : Skinny Cat

26-07-2009, 11:36 AM

My loveley Spot went missing 2 weeks ago and yeaterday I spotted him in a window just up my road. As my hubby was round my friends I went to get him to go get spot back.

There he was sitting in the window meowing there was no answer and we looked through the windows and realised the house was empty. I knocked on the neighbours door and they said they had been concerned and phoned the number on a board outside the house and had been posting food through the letterbox for him. He jumped over the back and with that Spot shot out of a cat flap.

he stated it had been blocked over slightly and maybe that was the reason he could not get out. I think he seen me and my hubby and forced his way out. As he had ran off we just had to wait and see if he would come home. Finally at 11:30pm he turned up it broke my heart he was so thin and so hungry. We limited what he ate as eating to much could make him ill.

Am going to the vets tomorrow but on the whole he seems ok he is bright and alert and eating & drinking. As I only use dry food as all3 like it hes going to need an extra boost I usually use purina once iams etc high qulity dry food. Am going to get some wet cat food to try and bulk him up as he is very skinny and I can feel all his rib cage.

Any suggestions on a high quality wet food as I want him to eat sensibly and not over feed him

Im so glad he is back though but cried when I picked him up he is quite a large male cat before. But hes skin and bones when I think of how long he was in that empty house I just get upset.

26-07-2009, 11:40 AM
Royal Canin Sensible is quite good for bulking up cats as well as some of the kitten foods/buscuits.

26-07-2009, 12:38 PM
Hello there! So glad you managed to get Spot out of that sticky situation and now he's home with you I'm sure he'll get lots of much needed good food and attention :)

You have done a very sensible thing by building him up slowly. Another CATSEY member has been reunited with her lost cat recently and he's making great strides. Hope Spot has learned a painful lesson about curiosity, ;) and won't worry his mum again too soon, :)