View Full Version : my little disabled kitten is WALKING AGAIN!!!

06-07-2009, 10:19 PM
My kitten Hetty (henrietta) has started walking again:D
Quick background to her health problems as follows:-
I got her from a very cruel neighbour (i also have her two sisters)she was like a Munchkin to look at: stunted( swollen belly full of worms:( crawling with fleas and cat flu'amazingly she survived but suffered a horrible accident when her much larger sister jumped on her back when she was coming downstairs:( from then on she dragged her back legs:(
I took her to three different vets trying to get help for her and all they said was to PTS:(
I insisted in X-rays being done and she also had acupuncture which helped her:D
Then we went to another vet who will operate on her soon but in the mean time she has started to walk again:D she seems to go a bit further every day:D I am so thrilled for her as she is the most wonderful little girl :)looking forward to seeing my vet,s face when he see,s her again as he will be as pleased as i am (well almost);)

06-07-2009, 10:21 PM
Wonderful news, your love and care has brought this wee girl on....

06-07-2009, 10:21 PM
How wonderful. I hope she continues to improve.

06-07-2009, 10:28 PM
THANK YOU....she means the world to me...i love her so much.

06-07-2009, 10:40 PM
That's wonderful .....it just goes to show what dedication can do.:D

Well done!

06-07-2009, 10:45 PM
Wonderful news to hear! You must be feeling over the moon.

07-07-2009, 09:29 AM
That is indeed good news. Obviously your love and care has helped to give Hetty the strength to start using her legs again.

Do you think the vet might still need to operate . . . hopefully not if she continues to improve.

07-07-2009, 04:35 PM
I think he will still have to operate on her left leg as she still drags that a bit:( but her right leg is really strong and can take her weight easily so maybe that will be O.K.:D
She has not been spayed yet either as the vet wants to wait until he has operated on her leg as he said that she will need all he hormones:D (not sure why but then i am NOt a vet)
She has never had a season and she is now 11 months old:?
We spend lots of time playing games she likes feathers and playing "meeces (mice)under the blanket:oops: which is her blanket that she sleeps on:D "she managed to unce on a spider a few days ago then she ate it:shock:

07-07-2009, 04:38 PM
What a proper little fighter she must be. Hope all goes well and that she continues to improve.

Gumby Cat
07-07-2009, 05:41 PM
I do hope Hetty goes on to make a full recovery, she certainly deserves to. And full marks to you, Moonstone, for not taking the original vets' advice

07-07-2009, 06:00 PM
I do hope that Hetty makes a full recovery, she sounds like such a little angel and a proper little fighter, with your continued love and care I am certain she will.:D

07-07-2009, 08:33 PM
What a lovely story; well done you for taking such wonderful care of her! A little fighter indeed, bless her!