View Full Version : Jerry's long journey

02-07-2009, 08:49 PM
My baby will be making the long (approx 8.5/9 hours) journey up to Aberdeen on the 18th July.
Ill not be going up untill the end of the month.

Im a little concerned about him and this long journey, my dad will be taking him up. Im unsure wether or not to ask the vet for a mild sedative for him :? but then I dont feel entirely comfortable him having this while Im not going to be there with him.
Dad will be travelling up early hours of 18th so Jerry may just sleep anyway :?

Has anybody here travelled any long journeys with their furr babes that could offer some advise?

02-07-2009, 08:56 PM
I travelled with a kitten to Kent years ago. Just made sure there was lots of air, not too hot and plenty water. I did put a little in its mouth now and again. No food until ariva;. Kitten was tired but neither up nor down.

I'd think as long as he has something familiar with him then he'll be ok.

Does he usually travel ok to vet etc?

02-07-2009, 09:11 PM
He screams from the second we get in the car till we get to the vet, hes fine on the way back :lol:
He knows my dad well so hes going to have a familiar voice and Ill put his blankets in with him that he sleeps on here.

I think Im just stressing so much because Im not going up with him, and not only has he got that long journey, but hes going to be in a strange house, with another cat without me for about 10 days, poor boy is going to be so confused!

02-07-2009, 09:16 PM
He screams from the second we get in the car till we get to the vet, hes fine on the way back :lol:
He knows my dad well so hes going to have a familiar voice and Ill put his blankets in with him that he sleeps on here.

I think Im just stressing so much because Im not going up with him, and not only has he got that long journey, but hes going to be in a strange house, with another cat without me for about 10 days, poor boy is going to be so confused!

I understand how stressed out you must be for him. Especially as you've had a bit of an upheaval already. I always think noone else can lok after my animals as well as me :oops:

I'm sure he'll be fine and will be pleased to see you when you arrive.

02-07-2009, 09:39 PM
I hope he'll be OK; I'd be a bit leery of the sedative too; have you asked the vet? I've never traveled longer than an hour in a car with a cat, and that was Dandy who adored car rides...he was on his harness, not in the carrier, so have no real experience.

02-07-2009, 09:56 PM
Im going to make an appointment with the vet and ask their advise.
He will be traveling up in Choc's old dog crate so he'll have plenty of room.
I really wouldnt be at all worried if I was traveling up with him. I think Im more worried about the time he'll be up there without me, I know he will be fine and Emma will take good care of him and im sure Elaine will pop in a few times for me but it not the same is it, wish I could be there to help settle him in

02-07-2009, 10:31 PM
It might be a good idea to put an article of your clothing in the crate with him, Erin......... that way he will still feel close to you on his long journey.

02-07-2009, 10:38 PM
I took Tilly from Epsom in Surrey up to scotland (it is about an 8hr trip) over christmas a few years ago and she was sedated but I was going too so she was fine. I didn't feed her before we set off and she was a bit spaced out but she slept most of the time. She usually meows her head off and gets ratehr stressed so we opted for a mild sedative to calm her down. Which I gave her in the morning before we went and then again before we came home. I also as took her into the disabled loo at a few services on the way to let her out to clean her carrier as she goes to the loo as soon as she is put in it and to offer her a drink. I was never asked to stop I just walked in with her carrier and made a bee line for the loo. Just make sure if you let him out that there aren't any gaps in the room.

Hope it goes well I am sure he will be fine either way.


03-07-2009, 12:10 AM
OK.... cat travelling.... we often have to re-home out of area or have to collect from miles away... it doesn't matter the age or type of cat certain rules always apply...

A) The bigger the crate/cage the better.... for kittens we use an Atlas 20 with a small litter tray in & water bowl, for adults if you can use a small cage great!!
B) Try using a water bottle like you use for rabbits & attach to the side of the cage...
C) Set the cage/Crate (with water bottle if you can!) in the lounge several weeks before you need it and let the cat explore and get comfy!
D) put either some old clothes or his fav blanki in there & some toys!
E) Praise him when he goes in & give treats!
F) circulate the air when driving!
G) I also dose my travellers with Valerian (see post in health) knocks them sensless!

Good Luck!

03-07-2009, 02:11 AM
the couple of times that I had to take Tinky Winky on a longer journey in the car..my vet precscibed periactin... it's not a sedative drug it's actually an appetite stimulant but it does have some sedative qualities.. because Tinky was a bit of a stress head and wound't eat when he as stressed the rug killed two birds with the one stone.. so to speak... the appetite part didn't really kick in untul the second tablet.. but the sedative qualties were evident within about an hour of the first tablet being taken.

The reason we tried this drug was because the main sedative drug used here..(not sure if it is the same there) is ACP (acepromazine) it is the standard sedative used for pre op and also animals that suffer anxiety when travelling, The first time tinky had it he had 1/2 a tablet and it absolutly no effect on him at all... so the vet said next time increase it to a full tablet... well this one had such a bad effect on him that we had to take him to the emergency vet and they actually induced vomitting to get it out of his system..so im not a big fan of sedative drugs because dosing can be such hit and miss
good luck with the move

03-07-2009, 09:10 AM
sorry Erin I can`t really offer you any more advice than what has already been given, I do hope that everything goes as stress free for him as possible :)

03-07-2009, 11:36 AM
Hugs for Jerry. You are bound to be worried about him Erin, but there is some very good advise above from people who have experienced travelling cats, so I'm sure he will be OK. He's going to Emma's when he gets to Aberdeen? He'll be fine, although I expect he'll be delighted to see you when you get up there.

Does he have a passport??? :lol:

03-07-2009, 02:57 PM
Oh stop your fussing you neurotic woman:lol:
Talk to your vet about the sedation and see what they advise.
He will be absolutely fine when he gets here, have asked Emma to just keep him in your room for the first day or so, to allow him to calm down and get his scent in there. We will just take each day as it comes and allow him to come to terms with the move etc.
I'll get some feliway etc for his arrival to help him chill.

03-07-2009, 03:10 PM
There Erin, Aunty Elaine will take care of Jerry - no need to worry!

cats' staff
04-07-2009, 09:44 PM
We moved 4 from Salisbury to Cambridge. They didn't mind s
a steady 50 on a straight road but howled at roundabouts so Milton Keynes was hell. Cleo is a very stressy cat but she was actually pretty calm- she had an old T-shirt belonging to OH as she seems to like his smell and he was following later so wasn't in the car. She did pee though and the car took a while to recover ! Lime essential oil works well for that.
I know you won't be with him for a short time but if he has something that smells of you that will help.