View Full Version : Cystitis or constipation??

15-06-2009, 02:31 PM
Hi guys, im a bit concerned about Hernandez at the moment and would love some advice or input from people.

On saturday evening we noticed he kept pacing back and forth from the trays, squating and trying to go and either not being able to go or just peeing a little. straight away i paniced because of course Raven ended up with a blockage in his bladder this time last year that nearly killed him and hes still on prescription food for it now, so when i saw Hernie straining i thought we were going through the same thing. however, he eventually went poops and then didnt go near the tray until the next morning :?

Stayed in all day sunday to keep an eye on him and the same thing happened in the morning, he was wondering from one tray to the next, getting in and squating and either peeing a little or not at all and then getting out. again, he pooped after about an hour and didnt go near the trays again all day so im really confused.

If it was cystitis would he not keep going and back and forth all day instead of doing it until he pooped? and wouldnt he be maybe peeing outside the tray or crying in pain etc when trying to pee? he has done none of this. i should also mention that we have seen him peeing properly twice, once last night and once this morning, a nice healthy wee :lol: there is no blood in the urine or anything like that and he is acting completely normal.

I was going to take him to the vets this morning but when he didnt go near the tray after yesterday morning except for his normal toilet activities i didnt think it was needed. he has done the same again this afternoon though, not as many times in and out the tray, but we havent seen him poop yet.

We did change their food a few weeks back. we done it gradually and they went from Burns chicken and brown rice, to Arden Grange fish and potato. we done this because Hernie and Rhino have always had dodgy bellies and i noticed this was for sensitive cats and its actually helped-havent had any runs at all since they started on it.

Any ideas? im in half a mind to bring him to the vets for a check up just incase anyway but would love some input from other kittie owners :)

15-06-2009, 02:49 PM
It's so dificult/almost impossible to give any useful answer to queries like these. You've described something really well - but I don't know what you've described and neither do you. It's something elimination-related, and probably (as he seems to be pooping Ok) wee related - which makes one think of cystitis.
Maybe the vets - at least a phone call to the vets - would be a good idea? You know they can feel the bladder and check whether it is emptying OK
Sorry - not much use

15-06-2009, 02:57 PM
Thanks for the reply, i know its really difficult to tell in these situations especially when im so unsure myself about what is going on. i guess i just wanted to see if anyone had any experience with this happening in their cats and what the outcome was.

As it goes i have now booked him into the vets for the morning, i knew i would just end up worrying myself sick about it so even if it turns out to be nothing then atleast it puts my mind at ease, but i do agree that i think its more likely to be cystitis. just hope thats all it is, really dont fancy going through the whole struvite crystal thing again! saying that though, atleast we know his bladder isnt blocked because he is peeing, both normally and in bits. maybe we have just caught it early before it could develop into the other symptoms of it being painful and him urinating in other places or something. wonder what could have caused it though:?

either way i shall update when we are back tomorrow. wish us luck!

15-06-2009, 03:08 PM
I hope the vet can give you all the answers and get what ever the problem is sorted out.
In the mean time are you able to increase his fluid intake? Are your cats fed on dry food only?

15-06-2009, 03:44 PM
I hope the vet can give you all the answers and get what ever the problem is sorted out.
In the mean time are you able to increase his fluid intake? Are your cats fed on dry food only?

Thankyou. no, since Ravens problems we have been feeding them a wet and dry diet. they get hi life wet food once a day and dry food twice a day(we cant leave food down due to Raven being on prescription diet). i did think about getting him some cat milk or something to encourage him to drink more but then i remembered i done that with Raven and he drank alot but because his bladder was blocked that was what nearly killed him-his bladder was completely full when we got him to the vets :? so im really wary of doing that again, but might offer him just a little in a dish. its silly of me i know, because as i said Hernie is actually still peeing rather then not being able to. would soya milk be better for him then cat milk? i just know the whiskas cat milk has alot of un needed stuff added to it :?

15-06-2009, 04:27 PM
Sorry to hear about Hernie's problems. As to the liquid, I'd really just stick with water.

As to the problem you describe - the fact that you have seen him pee normally and there is no blood and he pee'd without crying out, I would suspect it's constipation. Additional check - does he keep licking himself? Not that that's conclusive of course. I think you're doing the right thing going to the vet. Let us know how he gets on.

15-06-2009, 04:54 PM
It's really impossible to diagnose from what you've described. It both does and doesn't sound like classic cystitis. Two of mine have had one bout of it, with the usual symptoms...in the box every 20 minutes or so and only producing a few drops of urine; blood tinged in my male, not in my female. Until she got to the vet and was so scared she weed a few bloody drops on the examining table.

Have you thought about giving him a little bit of fish oil, like from sardines or tuna? If it's constipation that may help until he sees the vet....or better yet, call the vet now to see if that would be OK.

Hope he's diagnosed and gets better soon....so worrying!

15-06-2009, 05:42 PM
Yes oily fish as Eileen says may help.
What about adding just a little cooled boiled water to their wet food?

15-06-2009, 08:08 PM
Yes oily fish as Eileen says may help.
What about adding just a little cooled boiled water to their wet food?

I've been doing that since Leia had a bout of cystitis, and she's not had an episode since (knock wood!!); plus she loves the extra gravy.

15-06-2009, 10:52 PM
I have a cat with struvite crystals and one with cystis and it is realy worrying. The litter tray thing sounds like cyrstals and cystas. Mine was on the persceiption only one but because i couldnt get hold of any i changed to a none persciption one(long story). Simon had a bout of it on newyears eve as well. Is Hernie a fussy cat or have you change the litter. Are the litter trays close together. Guinness is so particular when he was first poorly he would dig and dig the re dig till he found it was right. They have had it now for around 2 yrs. I do hope your little one is ok at the vets tomorrow and please let us know on how hernie gets on

16-06-2009, 12:35 PM
So we are back from the vets-he is constipated bless him. I was hugely relieved when the vet said this, i asked him twice is he sure its definately not his bladder lol and he said no, that he can feel some solid stools and that he is just a little constipated. he gave him an enema, which as im sure you can guess Hernie was thrilled about lol i feel really sorry for him because hes going around feeling sorry for himself bless him. have also been given 5 days worth of laxative for him and told if it reoccurs that i can try liquid parafin or katarax for him.

So yes im very happy i went now so that my mind has been put at ease. he said with regards to him getting in and out the litter tray and peeing a little that sometimes they know they need to do something but their not sure what :lol:

Thanks for all the replies, shall update if there is any change!:D

16-06-2009, 01:47 PM
Glad all is well - or will soon be well.
Did the vet offer any advice about preventing it occurring again - like a bit of fish in oil every so often, or a tiny bit of bran in his wet food?

16-06-2009, 04:17 PM
I'm relieved that it wasn't more serious, poor fella! Thanks for the update.

19-06-2009, 07:19 PM
Just a little update on Hernie. we have only witnessed him pooping once since tuesday, though we think we may have just missed him going one other time. he is still straining and pacing but not as bad as he was. i was worried about him last night but it was early this morning that my OH saw him go(he jumped out of bed when he heard one of them in the litter tray :lol: ).

Not really sure what to do long term for him. i mean the vet said it wouldnt have been the change in food that caused this but i dont see what else it could be. hes only two years old and everything i have read says constipation isnt too common in cats, but older cats can get it. very confusing. really doubt its an obstruction either, Hernie doesnt eat anything hes not supposed to. he does dig at one of the carpeted steps on our stairs but never seen him eat the bits he pulls off, we end up picking them up when he spits them out :roll:

the vet didnt mention adding bran or veg to the diet but id already read about doing this so think i will. anyone know what the best forms of these would be to give a cat?

we did actually get some sardines in oil last weekend for him when we thought it was constipation but to be honest our cats dont really like that sort of fish. they love tuna but its not exactly oily. guess i could try the one in sunflower oil with him though. is there any type of bottled oil that i could add a little to his normal food? or is it the fish that is helpful more then the oil its in? sorry bit clueless with this stuff :oops:

Any tips are really appreciated! poor boy, most of the time he is fine but when he starts his pacing and straining it breaks my heart.

19-06-2009, 08:07 PM
Just a little update on Hernie. we have only witnessed him pooping once since tuesday, though we think we may have just missed him going one other time. he is still straining and pacing but not as bad as he was. i was worried about him last night but it was early this morning that my OH saw him go(he jumped out of bed when he heard one of them in the litter tray :lol: ).

Not really sure what to do long term for him. i mean the vet said it wouldnt have been the change in food that caused this but i dont see what else it could be. hes only two years old and everything i have read says constipation isnt too common in cats, but older cats can get it. very confusing. really doubt its an obstruction either, Hernie doesnt eat anything hes not supposed to. he does dig at one of the carpeted steps on our stairs but never seen him eat the bits he pulls off, we end up picking them up when he spits them out :roll:

the vet didnt mention adding bran or veg to the diet but id already read about doing this so think i will. anyone know what the best forms of these would be to give a cat?

we did actually get some sardines in oil last weekend for him when we thought it was constipation but to be honest our cats dont really like that sort of fish. they love tuna but its not exactly oily. guess i could try the one in sunflower oil with him though. is there any type of bottled oil that i could add a little to his normal food? or is it the fish that is helpful more then the oil its in? sorry bit clueless with this stuff :oops:

Any tips are really appreciated! poor boy, most of the time he is fine but when he starts his pacing and straining it breaks my heart.

We can get tuna in olive oil here; a bit pricier than the ones in water, but what I like. Even Leia, who's picky, will lap a little of the oil, and Patches and Misty loved it. I have no clue about the bran, never tried it.

19-06-2009, 08:27 PM
I used to give Merlin liquid paraffin on occasion. Lovely boy used to lick it off my fingers and I used to give him two or three fingers worth depending - he used to take as much as he needed, bless him. He would not take it in his food.

19-06-2009, 08:38 PM
Liquid paraffin reminded me of the anti-furball remedies that are designed to make the hair able to pass out the rear rather than the front. I believe it does have a stool softening effect, although not absolutely sure about that. You might want to ask your vet. Most cats love it and will lick it off your finger.

19-06-2009, 09:16 PM
If none of that works you could always mash the tuna in some liquid parafin or cod liver/olive oil.

Poor boy, hope he is better soon.

30-06-2009, 03:16 AM
Hello! How he's feeling? Better!!?

Thought the following information may help as it is related to both crystals (struvite & oxilate) and poohing problems...

A) If you live in a hard water area or your cats are particularly sensitive a filtered water drinking fountain is a must! There are several on the market at varying costs but basically you fill them up everyday and I wash mine out once a week, once switched on (mine is on approx 3 hrs a day, more in this hot weather) it cools and filters the water and not only encourages them to drink (splashing water and all that) hence helping flush both the bladder & bowels but entertains them too!:)
B) Oily fish, cod liver oil, meds like Katalax (not just available by a script from your vet!!) can be given regularly to help their bowels, being stressed about not being able to pooh can have the knock on effect of causing cystitis!!! It's the stress & discomfort you see!!:shock:
C) There are daily supplements you can purchase (not necessarily from your vet!!!) that assist the cats digestion by lining the bladder & preventing inflammation which can cause UTI's & crystals! I use one called cystease but there is one called cystaid etc.
D) Now food.... In many cases I have spoken with, vets have simply said wet food is better than dry... depends on the food!!??? ;) Again I advocate Hills C/d dry which I now feed my whole Tribe, Rigby is the only one who has actually had crystals/blockages but there is no harm (other than the cost!) in feeding any cat specialist food. If the quality of the wet food is very poor then the cats system will have more problems filtering it through their bowels & bladder so really a good quality or specialist dry food is actually better than a poor quality wet!! Hills C/d dry is low fat and all of mine now eat it happily, every other day they get a pouch of whatever wet food they fancy but you can also buy Hills C/d in a wet pouch/chunky with gravy variety or mashed variety in a tin in chicken or tuna flavours! Although these diets are often called prescription diets you do not need a script and you can get them online NOT just from your vet!! Needless to say much cheaper online & delivered to your door so no lugging it home!!:twisted:

I think these issues are related and that many vets don't give the whole 'prevention spiel' because it means you keep going to them for help and paying for it!:evil: