View Full Version : Outdoor cats idea's on how to get them in

22-05-2009, 11:22 PM
Most of my cats do come in but Troy. I didnt want them to go out for at least today but they got out this afternoon by about 6 i got all but Troy in. He is a b****y little s*d and now wont come in. He is coming to the door but when i go near him he runs away i can see him through the window now. Tried food, leaving door open, calling him by his nick name troyabella tried to catch him but too no avail. Now he is out with a mate who is also as daft as a brush he will come in but troy just sits there. There's no point leaving the cat flap open he only comes in though the back door. Will it be ok to leave him out. I need togo to bed.


22-05-2009, 11:25 PM
All mine come in when I when i rattle the cat nip tin, all but Casper, Like Troy he runs away , not all the time,so I have a packet of cold meat especially for him, and literally put bits of it leading to the door, then grab him....

23-05-2009, 06:29 AM
ahhhhhh the hansel and gretel tactic...good one Moli... identifyl their achilles heel and exploit it!

23-05-2009, 03:15 PM
I tried and tried he didnt come in till 4.30am. I got him in with food wafted the packet when he came close grabbed him. Before i went to bed i just said come on in and a cat did not mine but a friends called Oscar(i look after him) his brother Spotty was outside rolling in the catnip that i put down for troy watched by another ct called mickey. If any cat that knows me hears my voice at night they rush over for a stroke it can be up too 6 but mine dont take a blind bit of notice tipical isnt it.

23-05-2009, 04:53 PM
All mine come in when I when i rattle the cat nip tin, all but Casper, Like Troy he runs away , not all the time,so I have a packet of cold meat especially for him, and literally put bits of it leading to the door, then grab him....

Verrry clever, Moli! :-D

23-05-2009, 06:33 PM
Its the summer evenings, honestly they just love to stay out...

23-05-2009, 07:23 PM
Do your cats have a regular feeding time? Mine kind of congregate round me so I end up tripping over them when its their meal times, usually whatever time I get up and then coming up to five o clock. Could you wait til your cats in for his tea (say five) and then keep him in for the night, or let him get hungry so he comes in later for his tea? Have had several outdoor cats but they nearly all came to the promise of treats even if I did have to shut the door quickly to stop them getting back out! Jx