View Full Version : just popping to the shop darling.

16-05-2009, 05:26 PM
says i to hubby charlie. so off out the door i go. reggies there waiting off out the trap like a greyhound after the rabbit. hmm who reaches the back gate first. yep reggie. and then its a case of NO REGGIE u cant come with me. too many roads. reggie "but mum i love u, please let me follow" so hes picked up and taken back in. quickly i shut the door on him.
so i thinks yep that was easy lol.
i then go through the gate into the back allyway. then there is ronnie. hes doing the rolling around in the dust. giving it the *look at me mummy im cute, please let me come with you.* so then im picking up ronnie saying NO RONNIE too many cars, i know your a rufty tufty cat. but NO,
so takes ronnie in shuts him in the bedroom with his brother. not happy at all those 2.
and eventully i gets to the shop. and forget what i want. so have to wander around thinking????
but i gets the loo roll n milk n bread i wanted.
but blimey those 2 keep me busy. and all that was after telling the dog no he cant come u have been for walkies already.:-D

16-05-2009, 06:25 PM
It's the way you tell 'em BM- that had me roaring with laughter!

16-05-2009, 08:35 PM
You have such a way with words!! Love your R & R stories!

16-05-2009, 09:00 PM
with these 2 theres plenty of material.
a couple of weeks back we had a puppy come n visit. well reggie jumps out the window into the garden. and skids to a halt. u can see him thinking *hello new dog in the garden. thats ok i like dogs* well puppy (called badger) thinks *hello oooooo a cat can i sniff it?? * yea thats ok, but reggie isnt quite too sure on having a LARGE WET PUPPY NOSE up his jacksie !!! ok reggie then does a runner. up n over the fence. later on when badger goes home i call reggie. and all i can see is a pair of kitty eyes n a nose peering under the gate. i open the gate for sir. and he peers in looking around.*is he still here mum*???
so it took a pick up from me and lots of strokes n a few treats and he was back happy.
but dont think ill be getting another dog do u ???