View Full Version : help my cat is unwell

09-05-2009, 01:17 PM
I think my cat has been in a fight with either a fox or another cat but he has i think got a slite wound on his paw and wont stop licking it and for some reason all his paws have gone a tinit of orange!! does any 1 know what has happened?????:(

09-05-2009, 01:39 PM
Sorry to hear your cat has been in a fight

Can you see an actual wound or puncture mark on his paw? Animals do tend to lick their wounds as a way of cleaning and healing them.

I can't think what the orange colouring could be, sounds like he has walked through something.:?

Is he in any pain at all? If so, I suggest you phone your vet and ask for advice, maybe he will need an antibiotic if there is an infection there...

Please let us know how he gets on..

Welcome to Catsey, by the way!:)

09-05-2009, 01:50 PM
well i can see a slite wound on him but im not sure what it is and he may have walked through somehting but he does not want to go outside at all know its all so upsetting :(

09-05-2009, 01:52 PM
I'd guess your cat has walked in something, it's very difficult to even think what it may be. If he has a wound and whatever the substance is has got into the wound that could be potentially causing the wound to hurt more than it would normally. I know this is probably impossible but the best thing would be to try and find out what it is - are any of your neighbours having work done, could it be builder's sand or the like? If your cat will let you, try and wash the affected area with warm water and keep an eye for any infection. If the area becomes hot or there is any discharge or swelling, then get the cat to a vet asap. Please let us know what happens.

.... and Welcome to Catsey!

09-05-2009, 02:29 PM
Is he OK apart from that? No obvious dizzy spells, vomitting, confusion etc? I'm just a bit concerned because sometimes antifreezes have colour added to them and if that's the case and he's ingested anything you MUST get him to a vet as it can be fatal.

Hopefully I'm wrong but you need to establish what it is he's walked through. Does you vet have an out of hours phone line or emergency vet you can talk this through with?

09-05-2009, 03:05 PM
All sounds good advice.
It's always difficult knowing what to say, as you know your cat and his normal behaviour and we don't, so really it's down to you to decide if he is acting so out of character you think he needs the vet.
Apart from the worry Yola injected with the possibility of antifreeze, a fight wound without heat or pus can normally wait to see if the cats own immune system can cope. Soaking in a weak solution of cooled boiled water with salt in it can help keep the wound site clean.
Obviously if he goes off his food, froths, salivates exessively, has a discharging pus-y wound, goes lame, etc, then a vet visit is necessary
Good luck

09-05-2009, 04:46 PM
If it were my cat I'd get in touch with the vet; he may need to be seen .

Gumby Cat
09-05-2009, 05:26 PM
If it were my cat I'd get in touch with the vet; he may need to be seen .

I agree. Better to be safe than sorry.

11-05-2009, 09:50 AM
Hi pottsy, just caught this thread and was wondering how you have got on with your cat.