View Full Version : Koko can be REALLY strange.

27-04-2009, 10:32 PM
I bought a different cat litter, we have two trays. I usually buy CatSan (white) but the pet shop had none so I bought a different one. Clean Paws its brown and very fine. Now I thought at first I would like the clumpy one (brown fine) but I don't.... Anyway needs must and when I changed the tray tonight upstairs got cat san, and downstairs got Clean Paws.

So Koko started digging in the brown one, as though she was looking for treasure, she dug and dug, I asked her what she was doing and she just looked at me, blinked had a little chat and continued. Desert storms in the corner. So I have put a layer or white on the top. She thought that was boring and wandered off. Didn't need to use a litter tray, just curious to see what lay underneath.:roll:

27-04-2009, 10:40 PM
Thats orientials for you, she knew it was different...

27-04-2009, 10:49 PM
LOL:lol: :lol: they do the most strangest of things do are cats, but they always make us smile;)

27-04-2009, 10:52 PM
That is so funny, and so typical cat!