View Full Version : Update on Dylan

17-04-2009, 09:04 PM
We've got through three collars now, first one Dylan could reach his stitches, second one Dylan couldn't eat or drink and kept walking into everything, the third one seems to be purrfect. :-D

Dylan's going to the vets again tomorrow to have stitches out and hopefully the stitches will stay out :roll:

Knowing Dylan chances are he'll be out after the rats as soon as we let him out :roll:

17-04-2009, 09:14 PM
Hope the stitches come out. Have you considered contacting the local council about the rats? Perhaps they would get rid of them. You would hate to think Dylan got hurt again.

17-04-2009, 09:45 PM
CM raises a good point! he's not going to stop hunting them, and might get a nastier wound next time.

17-04-2009, 10:26 PM
Trouble is they'll put poison down........

17-04-2009, 10:33 PM
Trouble is they'll put poison down........

Would they not use live traps - or am I being naive!

cats' staff
17-04-2009, 10:54 PM
I think they do use poison! Does Dylan have a noisy bell on his collar? It doesn't solve the hunting problem totally (the rabbits are really starting to freak me out a little!) but it does help- the rodent and bird count is down. I just wonder if Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotontail have bad hearing?

17-04-2009, 10:56 PM
Young rabbits have no sense cats' staff! Around here, they sit in the road waiting to be run over. I wonder if mexy has resurfaced.

17-04-2009, 11:49 PM
Eeeek! we had a recent thread on the effects on a cat of eating poisoned rats...not good. But I've also heard that a really skilled hunting cat can manage to stalk without making the bell on his/her collar jingle.

cats' staff
18-04-2009, 08:49 PM
Young rabbits have no sense cats' staff! Around here, they sit in the road waiting to be run over. I wonder if mexy has resurfaced.

We had another two today and I now have to apologise for accusing Tolly as Madam Smudge came trotting in with them!

I've also heard that a really skilled hunting cat can manage to stalk without making the bell on his/her collar jingle.

Hmmm, conjurs up an image of Smudge sneaking up on 3 paws holding her bell with the 4th.......... Little Madam!

18-04-2009, 08:57 PM
Today Dylan's back at the vets :( He's been to the vets, had his stitches out but this afternoon the wound split open so he's gone back to the vets overnight :(

He used to wear a collar but after he started climbing trees I thought it safer if he stopped wearing it (didn't want him hanging himself on a tree branch)

cats' staff
18-04-2009, 09:19 PM
Poor Dylan- hope he is better soon. The collars are usually designed to open or come off if they do get caught up.
Give him chin tickles from me and my lot when he comes home and Smudge suggests that rabbits don't tend to fight back as much as rats!

18-04-2009, 09:20 PM
You could always get Borderdawn up to do some ratting with the dogs for you.
How the heck did he manage to burst his wound open again? Poor fella.

18-04-2009, 09:28 PM
Oh poor Dylan. I hope his wound fully heals 2nd time around. I think that collar needs to stay on this time . . . when my old Ferdy had one on he used to walk into doors all the time. Eventually got used to it :roll: Worst thing was when he started scratching in the night - it made a real racket and this was when Dominik was a tiny baby - thankfully it never woke him :D

Mexy? The rabbits up near our office are all riddled with it :( The poor things are like zombies and at times will sit in the road and just get mashed by the cars. So sad.

18-04-2009, 09:33 PM
Today Dylan's back at the vets :( He's been to the vets, had his stitches out but this afternoon the wound split open so he's gone back to the vets overnight :(

He used to wear a collar but after he started climbing trees I thought it safer if he stopped wearing it (didn't want him hanging himself on a tree branch)

You can get breakaway safety collars for just that reason. So sorry to hear that he's back at the vets; how is the world did the poor boy manage to have his would re-open?

18-04-2009, 09:36 PM
What a shame - poor boy.

19-04-2009, 07:21 PM
We think the wound was stitched up too tight so when the stitches came out it causd the wound to split open again :(
He's coming back tomorrow, we had to ask a neighbour to take us to the vets that time (no transport - brother was using it for something else and was away before the wound split open)

19-04-2009, 07:25 PM
You could always get Borderdawn up to do some ratting with the dogs for you.
How the heck did he manage to burst his wound open again? Poor fella.

The rats round here are huge :shock: If Dylan can't cope with one I'm sure even the largest of the dog breeds would be hard pushed to kill them :shock:

The council do come round with rat poison, which kills off some of the rats, problem is the rats live in the garage of a neighbour and she knows about them but is taking no steps herself to remove them :(

19-04-2009, 08:14 PM
What a shame, have you or anyone discussed that with the neighbor? They're a health hazard.

20-04-2009, 03:21 AM
bad news that Dylans wound has re opened...hopefully it heals up properly this time..i had a bad time of it with Tinkys wound pre amputation... not healing.. so i know how much of a pain it can be... was it just a small portion that opened up or all of it?

20-04-2009, 08:57 AM
What a shame, have you or anyone discussed that with the neighbor? They're a health hazard.

She's been like it since our family cat Smudge was around. We've tried speaking to her but she doesn't seem to think they are her responsibility :(

bad news that Dylans wound has re opened...hopefully it heals up properly this time..i had a bad time of it with Tinkys wound pre amputation... not healing.. so i know how much of a pain it can be... was it just a small portion that opened up or all of it?

The whole lot and it started bleeding every time he moved :( We bandaged it up temporarily - took us 4 hours with Dylan swearing every second of it at the bandage :(