View Full Version : Parsnips?

18-03-2009, 08:59 AM
Our garden is a real mess & although we want to get it straight, we are being realistic & have decided to concentrate on finishing the house this year. So we have no big garden plans for the immediate future, but have decided to do some growing. We are going to do some potatoes, have got these & John is doing (?) something with them before planting! We shall do beans, tomatoes, strawberries & John suggested that we should give Parsnips a go. I love parnsips & could eat them every day! So anyone got any parsnip tips? Dinahsmum?

18-03-2009, 09:03 AM
Sow now!

I make a very shallow trench and fill it with compost, moisten that and sow the seeds in there, covering with compost too.
They take ages to germinate, so the old boys say sow a few radish along the row, as a marker for where to find your parsnips.

If your soil is stoney they will fork and you'll get two or three tailed parsnips, but who cares? If you've got the space and want to have a go - then go for it!

18-03-2009, 11:08 AM
Sow now!

I make a very shallow trench and fill it with compost, moisten that and sow the seeds in there, covering with compost too.
They take ages to germinate, so the old boys say sow a few radish along the row, as a marker for where to find your parsnips.

If your soil is stoney they will fork and you'll get two or three tailed parsnips, but who cares? If you've got the space and want to have a go - then go for it!

Thanks - I knew you would be the best parsnip advisor! :-D
Space is certainly not an issue, our one problem is keeping the chickens away. :roll:

18-03-2009, 12:14 PM
Parsnip advisor to the stars!
What a title - I could get to like that.
Good luck with the chooks. One of my allotment neighbours has chicken in her garden at home and is always complaining - she says it looks like Beirut!

18-03-2009, 01:01 PM
Our garden is generally messy at present so the chooks kicking about in it, doesn't really matter, but what we may do, is use a large sectioned off area (which used to be a chicken run a few years ago) to grow the stuff in, like a little allotment :-D and they have the run of the rest of the garden.