View Full Version : Abi

14-03-2009, 10:56 PM
Just got a call from a worried Emma, regarding Abi. She said that Abi has lost her purr and generally doesnt seem herself. She take up a furball this morning and as far as Emma can tell, she has eaten and is tioleting ok. She also seems less responsive than normal when Emma is calling her and talking to her.
I have told her just to keep a close eye on her and maybe try her with a little ioly fish or something, incase there maybe more fur lodged in her system.
I am sure she will be fine, but just wondered if any one else had any thoughts on the matter.

14-03-2009, 10:57 PM
Can Emma tell whether Abi is weeing OK?

14-03-2009, 11:04 PM
Can Emma tell whether Abi is weeing OK?

As far as she can tell, she is toileting just fine but she has just called again to say that she thinks her breathing is laboured. I have told her to call the emergency vets and ask their advice.

14-03-2009, 11:06 PM
Oh bless her I hope she's ok. x

14-03-2009, 11:08 PM
Oh heck, hope she is ok!

14-03-2009, 11:14 PM
Cannt get hold of the vet, it just keeps going onto voice mail. Have told Emma to keep trying.

14-03-2009, 11:28 PM
oh no,poor baby!! Hope she manages to get hold of the vet soon

15-03-2009, 01:51 AM
I am just back from Emmas, sadly the news isnt good. I rushed up and picked up Abi and met Andrew (vet) at the practice.
Abi has cardiac miopathy, she also has fluid in her lungs which is secondry to the heart condition. Andrew has taken her home with him and is giving her injections every 4 hours to try to clear the fluid but the prognosis isnt good. Andrew reckons a few days to possibly a few weeks.
Emma is beside herself and cannt get her head round how this could have happened so suddenly to a young healthy cat.

15-03-2009, 02:40 AM
So sorry to hear this about little Abi! I'm sure you've been researching feline cardiomyopathy, but I found this site helpful:


My breeder friend Cathy had a Siamese girl diagnosed with it, and she lived abiut 2-3 years after diagnosis.

I had always thought my Su-ling had died of a stroke (was too upset to take him to the vets for a necropsy), but after reading about this, am almost 100% convinced that's what he had. They are so good at disguising the symptoms till it's very late ..

Please let us know how the little one is doing. (((hugs))) to Emma and you...

15-03-2009, 09:14 AM
Thankyou for the link Eileen, very informative and very interesting. Sadly Abi has since passed away, so very very sad for such a young cat.
She was only spayed about 7 or 8 months ago and was said to be healthy. I will pass the link to Emma, when she is ready as she is unable to understand why this has happened so suddenly to her little poppet.:cry:

15-03-2009, 04:05 PM
I''m so very sorry. So young, RIP, Abi ........