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24-01-2009, 02:19 PM
I've written a letter to the rescue as though Dylan's written it for their newsletter and their folder:

Written from Dylan’s House

Hello everyone! Dylan here! Did you all think I’d forgotten you? I haven’t – I’ve just been busy playing with string, settling in here, hunting ratties, and most importantly, being loved again! I’m happy happy happy here!

I’m telling my mum what to put here by meowing at her, and I’ve told her to send the PICTURES!!! She’s printed off a few small ones of me and a few of the girl who once lived here but they lost in November. Mum says her name was Beauty, you may all remember her as Enid. She got a nasty lump and had to go the place where ratties and cats are friends.

I might as well tell you all how she came to take me so soon, I told her to! A few weeks before they lost Beauty I meowed at her telling her that she belonged to me! She spent one night after Beauty went, without having anything furry in the house and she said “Never again!!!” to me!

Mum’s been sorting through her clothes to bring to you what she doesn’t want any more for the charity shop to help all other kitties find another home, or she would be if I hadn’t been sooo tired and fallen asleep on the pile for sorting – sorry! Hope you don’t mind having clothes covered in my fur! They were on the bed and I couldn’t resist! I’ve had a look in the empty drawer to make sure there’s been nothing else for the going of!

I kept my name as Dylan, because I love that name and respond to it! I hope Kevin found a purrfect home and Mum says she’s going to try to find Beauty’s old toys for me! I prefer string though, I’ve got a whooole round ball of string for the playing with! I love string, I can practise hunting it like you’d hunt ratties!

I got a birdie as well! Found it frozen to death and brought it to show my family! I purrsuaded Mum to take in a load of treats a few weeks ago for all the kitties less fortunate than me! I’m getting spoilt here! If any of you volunteers want to visit to see how well I am then you can! This house is mine now and I love getting attention from anyone who can stroke me! I think you can tell I’m very talkative!

I’ve been getting a little territorial though, another cat comes on to my territory so I have to chase him off! I don’t physically fight with him, it’s all talk and no action. Mum says he used to be Beauty’s boyfriend until Beauty got too poorly and wouldn’t go outside any more – what’s wrong with outside? Outside is where all the ratties are!

I think there’s ratties outside for the hunting of, so I’ll go out now and try to catch another one for Mum. I wanted to send a dead rat or two for you all, but Mum said no, she didn’t think the kitties without homes would be able to eat them. I’ve got to be careful about the ratties I catch Mum says, some people put ratty poison down for the ratties!

Lots of love, hugs and kitty kisses to all the people and grooming to all the kitties who are not in homes yet!


What do you all think to the letter? Does it sound OK? I'm taking it in this afternoon.

24-01-2009, 07:51 PM
I've taken it to the rescue now, got back about an hour ago. Didn't come on because there was an interesting programme on the TV about Anne Frank (repeat of her diaries)

24-01-2009, 09:20 PM
That was a witty letter from Dylan; I'm sure they must have enjoyed it at the Rescue.

24-01-2009, 10:45 PM
thats a smashing letter. and dylans really clever in telling u what to write :)

25-01-2009, 06:11 PM
That was a witty letter from Dylan; I'm sure they must have enjoyed it at the Rescue.

I hope so!

thats a smashing letter. and dylans really clever in telling u what to write :)

I know! Dylan's a very clever handsome boy! :-D

26-01-2009, 08:57 PM
I loved that letter! Its so sweet :smt049 Sounds so much like Dylan :cat27
It is nice to read what its like from Dylans point of view - very nice RCR & Dylan!! :-D
One of my favorite parts is: "I'm happy happy happy here!"

27-01-2009, 10:06 AM
I loved that letter! Its so sweet :smt049 Sounds so much like Dylan :cat27
It is nice to read what its like from Dylans point of view - very nice RCR & Dylan!! :-D
One of my favorite parts is: "I'm happy happy happy here!"

Dylan most certaintly is happy! :-D

His favourite two things are strokes and food! :-D Third favourite thing is string! :-D

27-01-2009, 10:49 AM
I loved the letter:smt007 it was a fab tale from a cats percptive, after reading Dylans story that is so sweet I read it to Maxi and Maisy they both :smt049 :smt049 :smt049 his tale as well, and sat purrrrrring very contendedly:D .

27-01-2009, 08:32 PM
I loved the letter:smt007 it was a fab tale from a cats percptive, after reading Dylans story that is so sweet I read it to Maxi and Maisy they both :smt049 :smt049 :smt049 his tale as well, and sat purrrrrring very contendedly:D .

Glad the letter was enjoyed! :-D