View Full Version : Sparse fur after spaying?

19-01-2009, 09:21 PM
I noticed in a recent Kuan Yin pic when she was lying on her back, that she has an area of very thin fur with pink skin showing at the lower part of her tummy. Leia has the exact same thing! Lovely thick coat everywhere except there, which was where she was shaved for surgery. Tink suggested that it was probably the reason. Misty was spayed on her side, and Patches before I got her, so have no other girls to compare. So, do any of your girl cats have that combo of thin short fur with a lot of skin showing at their spaying site? Tried to get a pic, but the Princess was not amused ......

19-01-2009, 09:36 PM
how long does it take for the fur to grow back anyway??? cass was spayed in october,her hairs quite thick,but where its growing back,its not the same as the rest of her,she has like a creamy patch now,toby my male cat doesnt have any strange bits on him

19-01-2009, 09:58 PM
TBH Niki I don't remember how long it took her fur to regrow, she'll be 10 in March. I believe in Siamese the fur can regrow at a different color. Is it the texture of your girl's fur that's different?

19-01-2009, 10:15 PM
When my Sam had numerous multi cell tumours removed from his throat and jaw, the fur came in a different colour...

19-01-2009, 10:32 PM
her furs a bit softer i guess,where the hairs re growing

19-01-2009, 10:57 PM
Managed to get a pic! You can see the fur there is the same color and texture as the rest of the tummy, but much shorter and sparser.


19-01-2009, 11:52 PM
Mustard, a boy cat, has a bald tummy, but the vet thinks it is hormonal- he is castrated.
Candy, a girl has a bald tummy, but the vet thinks this may be linked to IBD. None of the other 7 cats have anything like it.:?

19-01-2009, 11:59 PM
My old Sam had no hair at all on his tummy......his was caused by hormonal trouble too:(

20-01-2009, 12:53 AM
Never noticed this before on my females.

Kinsi was spayed on friday, so I'll keep an eye on the way the fur grows back.

Remember when Misty was done her fur to eons to grow back in but don't remembe there being an obvious difference.