View Full Version : She's in a mood!

19-01-2009, 04:47 AM
Kuan Yin is crazy tonight.:lol:
First I was eating a pop tart and she grabbed half of it in her mouth and took off running..then she decided she wanted dog food and pestered my OH while he was feeding the pups, stealing bits and pieces then running off with the alpo can to lick it clean...then tried to dart outdoors three times...and then climbed the fridge, looked right at me, and with a swing of her tail knocked all the plastic bottles onto the floor.
that girl...sometimes i wonder if she is a dog:-D

19-01-2009, 10:35 AM
LOL! She sounds quite a handful, Tink! Aren't they hilarious when they get in those moods????? :-D

19-01-2009, 02:15 PM
:lol: Couldn't help but laughing at this. Darcy has his 'mad-moments' as we call them too. If you walk past a doorway he'll charge at you, swerve and avoid then he always runs to the bedroom, jumps on the bed and proceeds to attack the blanket we have on top, trying to pull it off then eventually claws his way underneath it and hides, all with complete gusto and a bizarre amount of energy! :lol: :roll: Wonder what would happen if we got Darcy and Kuan Yin together?! :lol:

19-01-2009, 04:05 PM
sounds like mayhem lol all good entertainment though. i remember when my 2 had the zoomies, they would just go nuts. then just curl up and sleep. now all they do is sleep,

19-01-2009, 05:41 PM
It's so funny when they get the crazies like that...I can just visualize her knocking all the bottles off the fridge and giving you such a look!!