View Full Version : whats the most spoiled/clever thing that your cat has done?

23-11-2008, 05:30 AM
this is one of them moments that will be with me forever! :D

Elvis was about 3 & had been in a huge fight with a fox, the fox had bitten a hole in his head & his swelled up so i called him the elephant man, a name he did not like!

he was asleep on my bed upstairs i brought his food up to him and he was on his side & barely lifted his head, i lifted him onto the floor where he still laid on his side while i hand fed him due to him being VERYyyyyyy ill!

i then picked him up 7 placed him back onto he bed on his side....i picked up his bowl to leave........turn back..........he only had got up and walked to the other end of the flipping bed by himself!!! i was like 'YOU SOD!!!'

all for the sympathy!!

he also refuses to eat food that has fallen on the floor, if i am giving him treats and it goes on the floor he gives me the most evil look and basically says 'pick it up!! and FEED ME!! NOWwwwww!!' ...............and i do it!!

Tay does mini things, if i say no dont do it....hell find a sneaky way of going in a round about way........to the object that i say no to....his so funny! hopefully more will come as he gets older!! :D

23-11-2008, 05:08 PM
Our Mousie insists on being "hand-fed", she's decided that it's below her to eat dry food from a bowl, it HAS to be given to her on the dining room table, on a clean lacey doily, ON DEMAND! No good just leaving a handful there for her to eat when she wants it......she won't touch it, has to be WHEN she asks for it LOL!

Miw is a fussy eater, but will eat what she likes, whenever and wherever she finds it LOL!

Both cats have slight "dog" tendencies LOL Miw has a fluffy crinkle ball that she likes us to throw at the wall behind the sofa so she can catch it before it bounces back to the floor.......and if we don't throw it quick enough, she BARKS!! She actually wags her tail and says "Arf!" Haha! And Mousie actually "fetches".....if we throw one of her toys across the room, she'll go get it and bring it back and drop it in front of us to throw again haha! Strange cats!