View Full Version : anyone know what this means? (this is actually a moment by moment commentary....!!)

20-11-2008, 02:30 AM
OK! Elvis & Tay are BOTH! yes BOTH!! :shock: upstairs, Tay is on the stairs & Elvis just on the landing.............BOTH asleep!! ASLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:

together?!!?! :shock: :shock:

i literally CANT! well don't want!! to move! im stuck in my room, my dinners been downstairs for about a hour!!! :lol:

Elvis is layed out flat on his side & Tay is like a chicken with his paws underneath him! :D

does this mean anything in the cat world??

ooooo Tay just made a noise, Elvis is still alseep....... Tay making more of a noise.............ooo getting closer...oh dear! ooo his gone back!!! Elvis not moved!! Tay back to being a chicken!! Elvis has put his head up!

im sooo bored and hungry!! dinner....just downstairs!! neck hurts!! don't want to disturb them!! ARGH! :lol:

oooo Tay is talking more now....and moved.... nearer!! Elvis just sitting and Tay talking more..........Elvis just spoke back!!! wish i had my camera!!!!!

ooo my back hurts!!

oooo Tay has gone and Elvis is now under the bed! and some poop has fallen out of Elvis's bum....oh how lovely!!! :shock: :lol:

better clean it up now! bet my dinners ruined!!

ah well! dinenr Was ruined & about 5seconds later Tay went to far and it turned into ww3 here! ah well! still another day tom!! :D