View Full Version : have you ever NOT been able to move...due to your cat?!

20-11-2008, 02:22 AM
lol sounds weird! but i mean like this evening Tay sat on me and he looked SOOO cute & i was so cold & hungry and i couldnt move as he was alseep...my leg hurt....pins and needles in my arm!! but i never moved!!! :lol: do You do this?!

20-11-2008, 08:27 AM
er yes i have :oops: and a couple of times i havnt wanted to move them off MY chair as they looked so comfy LOL
tell me again who owns who???

20-11-2008, 10:37 AM
Yep my 2 are the same,older puss very rarely goes on my knee not like my kitten who is nearly always there when he wants a nap,think i am his comfort, but if i have to take him off my knee for some reason i just gently put him on the couch and he soon nods off but when my older one does it i feel very priviliged cos of its rarity so i try and stay still and enjoy the moment,if i am going to work or doing anything else i just have a cuddle and say sorry puss but i gotta go do something and i hope he understands

20-11-2008, 11:38 AM
chloe is ALWAYS on your knee, it'll follow you around just waiting for you to sit down then in seconds she's there

20-11-2008, 05:46 PM
Oh yes, been there, done that! :roll: Leia is a rare lap sitter, so when she deigns to sit on it I am immobile! We are a lot like Mohammed and his cat Muezza, aren't we? :-D

cats' staff
20-11-2008, 09:39 PM
Er, the clue is in my user name. Pins and needles, newspapers that don't get read because one of them is sooooo comfy and humans sitting on the floor because the chairs are all taken are regular occurences around here!

20-11-2008, 09:42 PM
Dylan's got HIS chair and woe betide anyone who tries to move him! :lol: He'll meow a lot at you to tell you no it's MY chair! :lol:

20-11-2008, 09:46 PM
Absolutely! My MIL's lap is one of Merlin's regular napping stations. Poor old woman - doesn't move much anyway, but she really does get quite stiff sitting still for hours with him on her lap.

The first evening I brought Merlin home - he'd been bought into the place where I worked and was about 12 weeks old - I sat on the kitchen floor with him, just for a while I thought. He went to sleep on my lap and my OH came home to find me sitting on the kitchen floor, cold and with a very numb bum! (lino covered concrete)

20-11-2008, 10:25 PM
LOL glad to see we all knows whose boss!!!! :lol: :lol:

20-11-2008, 10:39 PM
Right at this moment, have me legs up on a chair, Merlin is sitting on them, and they have gone numb! but will no move till he does....:roll:

22-11-2008, 01:19 AM
Yes! This evening in fact LOL! I came home early from work due to migraine and climbed into bed to try to get rid of it. I woke up an hour and half later.....desperate for a "pee" and found I couldn't move because I had a "Miw-cat" draped across my ankles, and a "Mousie-kitty" draped across my hip LOL! And I stayed like that for another hour until OH called upstairs to tell the cats he had "FISH"......that moved them quick! LOL!

22-11-2008, 05:23 PM
They have us well trained, don't they?!