View Full Version : Suspected Epileptic Fit in Puss

16-11-2008, 04:31 PM
Jacob my old puss cat he's 15/16 I think had an epileptic fit this morning.

He was on the bed with me and all on a sudden he jumped off and then collapsed on the floor, with his legs twitching and body shaking violently. He started to drool and also urinated just a bit. It lasted about 2-3 minutes at the most, and then he came too. He didn't appear to lose consciousness, as he came out of it quite quickly. Within about 5 minutes or so he could stand and walk OK but kept meowing more so than usual.

Wihtin 15 minutes he was scoffing his food earnestly as if he hadn't been fed for days.

I've googled and the symptoms and effects afterwards seem to coincide with a tonic-clonic seizure?? He seems fine now and has no sign of a repeat one.

I shall ring the vet tomorrow! As far as I am aware this is the first one he has had.

What does everyone else think about it, comments very welcome.

16-11-2008, 04:44 PM
Hi and welcome to Catsey, sorry to hear about Jacob. It does sound as if he may well have had a seizure. Excess salivation, loss of continence and vocalisation are all 'classic' signs of some kind of seizure activity.
Seizures in cats are not always related to epilepsy-they can be a symptom of another underlying disease process, your vet should be able to give him a full examination and possibly blood tests, and hopefully some answers.

16-11-2008, 05:31 PM
Poor Jacob - do let us know how he gets on at the vet.

16-11-2008, 05:48 PM
I hope the vet can get to the root of is problem and help him, Sue. Do let us know how Jacob is doing.

16-11-2008, 06:07 PM
Poor puss, I'd definately advise a vet visit asap to determine whats going on xxx

16-11-2008, 09:24 PM
it sounds like epileptic seizure to me. but my only experience is with dogs. same thing you described though.

i'd just like to mention that sometimes they won't have another fit for awhile and at first you might think that it's over and there's nothing wrong..other times the fits come more frequently.
what we do for our dog over here is just keep her on medication prescribed by the vet to *prevent* seizures.
they may want to do bloodwork but don't always count on th at as our dog tested negative yet still definitely has epilepsy.
only other thing i can think of if she had a seizure and it's not epilepsy is some kind of blood glucose or potassium issue or something like that. but there is *definitely* something happening there.
may be an easy fix or just a case of preventive medicine, i think.
but i am not a doctor so these are just my thoughts.
i hope they've helped somewhat.
take care, both of you.

16-11-2008, 11:34 PM
Thank you all for your responses.

Jacob seems his normal self, but I know that something not right is 'lurking' so will let you know what happens when I contact the vet.

17-11-2008, 08:03 PM
How's Jacob today? Hope it went ok with the vet.

17-11-2008, 08:41 PM
He's fine today back to his normal self. Jumped onto the cooker top this morning as is his usual place after the grill has gone off. He wouldn't jump up onto anything higher than a foot-stool yesterday.

Phoned the vet for advice. They said to monitor him as best I could and go and see them on Friday, unless anything happens in the meantime.

19-11-2008, 04:31 AM
Am sorry to hear that but thankfully he seems ok now. Hope it turns out alright!

22-11-2008, 02:43 PM
Thought I would let you know where I am with Jacob.

Fortunately he hasn't had another fit so far. Took him to the vets yesterday and he had a thorough physical exam, and nothing was evident from that.....sooooo.......blood tests it is.

Returned this morning as they had to be fasting blood tests, and it took three of them to do it:-D ....he is a one, and a very strong cat. Anyway they expect the results in about 2-3 days, so until they're back don't know what I am dealing with, but at least he has been his normal self since Monday.:D

22-11-2008, 02:47 PM
I'm pleased that he seems to be well in himself.
Maybe the tests will point you towards what is wrong. Hope so.

22-11-2008, 04:47 PM
So pleased to hear Jacob has been ok since the fit........... hope the blood tests will give you some indication as to what may be wrong...

22-11-2008, 05:20 PM
Glad he's been OK wth no recurrances; hope the blood work results will be helpful. I can just imagine him objecting at the vets...three to hold him!!