View Full Version : Guinness Help please

02-11-2008, 09:31 PM
I realy need some advice please. It all started on the side of his head which after a visit to the vets and some AB it seemed to clear up. He went last monday and the vet said it was a alergy to fleas, which was treated with stronghold. He has no more fleas and none of the others have as well. He is making it worser than ever now its all under his chin and he has started two patches on his back as well. We think its something more serious than just an alergy he just isnt fighting it what ever it is. He is so misrable with himself and his quality is none exitence. We wont see him suffer. Please send him healing vibes i think he does need them. I am taking him to the vets in the morning. I am in tears writing this he realy is my big baby and i cant lose him.


02-11-2008, 09:37 PM
Oh Jane - so sorry to hear that Guinness' skin problem has not been cured. I know you thought that getting rid of the fleas would stop Guinness scratching the area. I can't remember whether you said the vet said he had a flea allergy or not, or whether he has had steroids.

I do hope that the vet can give you a diagnosis tomorrow and something to help clear up the problem. I will send loads of healing vibes to Guidnness and (((HUGS))) to you.

Let us know how he gets on.

02-11-2008, 09:38 PM
Healing vibes coming; I do hope and pray the vet will get it sorted tomorrow for him. Do let us know ....

02-11-2008, 10:34 PM
Healing vibes for Guinness and Hugs for you....xx

02-11-2008, 10:37 PM
So sorry Guinness is getting worse Jane, it must be so worrying for you:(

Just a thought...... I don't suppose it could be an attack of ringworm could it? The vet should be able to tell you tomorrow.

Chin up Jane, the vet will help him tomorrow.......healing vibes to Guinness and big hugs to you.......

03-11-2008, 08:01 AM
Bucket fulls of healing and get well vibes heading your way xxx

03-11-2008, 09:24 AM
Hope you're brighter this moning - things usually look better in the light of day.
Be guided by your vet - I'm sure there's something s/he can do.

03-11-2008, 12:03 PM
Just back from the vets. Thankfully it isnt ringworm. The vet think its an alergy to something . She gave him a steriod injection and perscribed some fuciderm gel which i have to wear gloves for on (the leaflet said its for dogs but i phoned them back up and they said cats can use it as well. It also said it was for wet ecxma) . She also gave us some prednisoilne to start tomorrow and a collar. I put the collar on straight away when we got back and he seems ok with it. All the other cats are staring at him think what on earth is it. We go back next monday for a check up or i will take hime back sooner if it worsens.

jane X

03-11-2008, 01:52 PM
Poor Guinness! Fingers and toes crossed that the prescribed treatment helps it to clear up.

03-11-2008, 02:01 PM
Poor puss although it does sound like you have a good vet there. My auntie's cat had this allergy type thing too and lived with it for most of her life. She never showed an ill effects from the treatments.

Fingers crossed for a swift recovery xxx

03-11-2008, 02:12 PM
I have animals all my life and i have never seen anything like this before. I started crying on the way to the vets. I have felt so guilty not taken him sooner as he was a rescue and was in a terrible state when we got him. He wasnt litter trained and had pooh all over him. He has such a serious face but to me is a right baby. Everybody in the village knows Guinness.


cats' staff
03-11-2008, 08:57 PM
I know how you feel but you got him the help he needed and you will have the patience to help him get all the treatment to make him feel better- not everyone has that!

Allergies are odd things and are really had to spot but they can be treated.

All the best for you and Guinness

03-11-2008, 09:10 PM
Jane, just a thought but you don't use these horrid shake n vac or (can't think of the name) sprays that eradicate pet/cooking smells . . fabreze . . . they are just so full of chemicals I wouldn't be surprised if they got rid of the pets as well as their scents!

Other than that, if it's an allergy you need to consider everything - even the detergent you wash your clothes in!!

I hope you get to the bottom of Guinness' allergy - being an allergic type myself I know how miserable it can be. Hugs to you both.

03-11-2008, 10:16 PM
I dont use shake and vac but have since i moved in used fabreeze. I never used it in the flat before.


04-11-2008, 12:25 AM
sorry to hear that his problem was not as straightforward as first diagnosed.

Hope the new treatment works for him. Fingers crossed.

04-11-2008, 10:17 AM
It seems a lot better today. Its not as red and he has not itched at all. He has his first tablet tonight.


04-11-2008, 10:40 AM
Good news! Let's hope Guinness continues to improve Jane. It can't be nice for him and obviously it is a dreadful worry for you.

04-11-2008, 11:11 AM
He is still eating but cant realy fit his head in the dish with his collar on so i sit him on my knee and feed him by hand which takes a long time but i dont care

04-11-2008, 03:15 PM
My cat has had bouts of 'alopecia' if that's tha kind of thing it is? many times throughout her life. Never knew what it was but I used mite lotion on her ears and put a collar on, changed her diet, and that cleared it up. Pretty sure it was the dried food that triggered it(good quality as well, well known brand), cos she is now off it, but whenever she has just a tad (steals it from my other cat) it starts up again. Her coat also seems to get dull on this food (but she HAS just been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism so that's another thing completely. Looking into best treatment on that now).

04-11-2008, 03:19 PM
P.S: My angel has a collar on too, just getting over anal gland problem, so I'm spoiling her with turkey broth etc. P.P.S: Make sure ur little un has a way of getting to her water bowl whenever he wants as he can't tell you when he is thirsty. Glad he's getting better, keep up the TLC!