View Full Version : Its a small world-FTAO Elaine.

30-10-2008, 11:49 PM
Last night we had to got to our local feed supplier to buy dogs food and try to get some quail food. I stayed in the car because I have a chest infection. A few minutes later Mike came out and said I was needed inside for some advice. It was to find out what woodpeckers ate, I said insects and invertebrates, a lady was enquiring as she was trying to please some who appeared dissappointed with her selection at the bird table. After a wee chat, I guessed she might be Elaine's parrot lady, and sure enough it was the case, she also knows of somebody who took on one of my foster buns.
She was lovely and obviously very passionate about parrots, and I got her number in case I ever need any advice. Hopefully the woodpeckers appreciate the mealworm she bought.
It scares me how big the world is sometimes and how small it is others.

30-10-2008, 11:53 PM
What a coincidence :D....as you say it's a small world!

31-10-2008, 09:23 AM
:lol: :lol: :lol: Nadia is very very passionate about her birds, wild and otherwise. I remember the last time I went to see her, she was so excited about the woodpecker that was visiting the bird tables.
I'm pleased you got the chance to meet her.:D

31-10-2008, 10:22 AM
How lovely! I love coincidences like that :D