View Full Version : Very sad news.

29-10-2008, 08:05 PM
Koko is going back tonight.

It has come to the point where Millie is too freeked to eat, sleep and even refused to come home if Koko was there. She was shaking in a corner hysterically and rocking that enough is enough.

Poor Koko hasn't done anything wrong and he is really a beautiful adorable cat but Millie cannot cope with the pitch of his cry and that won't go away. Having special needs, she doesn't understand that he is talking and we have taken the decision that Koko needs a family who isn't scared of him and won't disrupt the household. Although I am very sad and upset, Millie must come first.

I know he will find his forever home very soon but sadly this home isn't the one.

I'm gutted :-(

29-10-2008, 08:07 PM
You are doing what is right for your family, as you say Millie must come first....Hugsxxx

29-10-2008, 08:09 PM
Koko is going back tonight.

It has come to the point where Millie is too freeked to eat, sleep and even refused to come home if Koko was there. She was shaking in a corner hysterically and rocking that enough is enough.

Poor Koko hasn't done anything wrong and he is really a beautiful adorable cat but Millie cannot cope with the pitch of his cry and that won't go away. Having special needs, she doesn't understand that he is talking and we have taken the decision that Koko needs a family who isn't scared of him and won't disrupt the household. Although I am very sad and upset, Millie must come first.

I know he will find his forever home very soon but sadly this home isn't the one.

I'm gutted :-(

Matron, I am sorry it didn't work out. For you, Millie and poor Koko.

It is difficult when Millie doesn't understand and you can't fully explain to her that Koko is talking to her.:cry:

29-10-2008, 08:16 PM
Sorry to hear that Koko isn't going to work out in your home...
Hopefully Millie will be happy again soon :cat27

29-10-2008, 08:19 PM
Millie's needs must come first, that is most important. You tried but it wasn't to be.........I'm sure Koko will find another home soon and his breeder will understand.
((((Hugs)))) to Millie....x

29-10-2008, 08:45 PM
Sorry to hear this.
Don't beat yourself up - you're doing the right thing.
They are different sort of cats, and won't suit every home.
He'll settle in fine back with his original folks and will then find his perfect forever home.
And maybe a little moggie will find his way to your house - but maybe not. Give it a little time
Take care

29-10-2008, 08:58 PM
Poor you - but as you said Millie must come first and she is not able to understand and tolerate Koko's cries.

Very sad but you do have to do what's best for your family and you have taken the decision quickly, which is right.

29-10-2008, 09:12 PM
A brave decision but completely the right one. Koko is young and sweet and will find a home that is right for him very soon I'm sure. Your daughter must be your first concern and it sounds as if she really has struggled with Koko's exuberance.

29-10-2008, 09:34 PM
I'm sorry for you Natalie, but as much as we love our pets our family come first. Koko will be much loved by his new people and you have done him a kind deed.
Give Millie your full attention and extra kisses and cuddles, poor lass, it must be hard for her. Also, for Poppy too. xxx

29-10-2008, 10:31 PM
I know I have done the right thing. 100% for certain. Koko has gone now.

Millie will get lots of fuss tomorrow and her favourite chocolate lol. She is a sensitive soul and her needs indeed do come first.

Feeling very sad all round.

29-10-2008, 10:34 PM
Sorry it didn't work, but as everyone has said, Millie comes first; KoKo will find a lovely forever home. You did your best; don't feel too sad that it just wasn't the right match. Yes, maybe a little moggy down the road sometime ......

30-10-2008, 08:47 AM
I am so sorry it didn't work out. First and fore most your daughter has to come first.
I hope she is feeling better today and more relaxed.:cry:

30-10-2008, 09:07 AM
So sorry it didn't work out but you have done the right thing. Your daughter has to come first. {{{hugs}}}

30-10-2008, 10:57 AM
I'm so sorry to hear it hasn't worked Matron, but you are doing the right thing. Koko will find a loving, forever home and I'm sure you'll find another kitty who isn't as vocal that Millie will love. Siamese are very particular breeds with a very particular vocality, and the match just wasn't right. There are 100s of other cats out there needing homes, either in rescue shelters or from new litters, and you'll be able to give one of them a home :)

30-10-2008, 12:49 PM
i'm sorry..i had a similar experience once and i know that it is completely heartwrenching. thing is you are doing what's right and this is causing everyone so much stress it's not worth it..it's bad because everyone senses everyone else and it just goes round and round and nothing good can come of it in these kinds of situations where you just know what is best for your existing family/household/etc.
we're here to support you!

30-10-2008, 04:24 PM
That is sad news, but you must do what you feel is right. I have a Birman whio is constantly 'talking' and meowing, similar to Siamese cats. I love him to bits, and he is 11 years old now, but I wouldn't get another Birman.