View Full Version : Calling all cat owners! I need your cats purrs, can you help?

23-10-2008, 10:40 AM
Dear cat owners,
I'm an art student on a mission, a mission to record/collect recordings of 100 cats purrs. So far I've just foccused my efforts in my home town Edinburgh, but now I'm going national....even multinational (I've just received a purr from colorado). And so I'm appealing to you to help me, in any way you can. I'm looking for people that would be able to record their cat purr on a mobile phone, camera, digital recording device...anything, and then send it to me at my email address which is balthazarproductions@gmail.com. If you could attach photos, information about said cat or any stories as well it's all very much appreciated....yesterday I received my first cat poem! So if you think you'd like to help please get in touch, I'll be posting pictures of the finished piece here around next friday
Kind regards
Alice, Edinburgh

23-10-2008, 10:57 PM
hiya i recorded my cat purring on a video camera and have uploaded it onto my comuter, i could send you that if it is any good?:)

24-10-2008, 09:28 AM
No thats brilliant, if you could send it to me via my email which is; balthazarproductions@gmail.com that'd be great. Also, if you want to include any photos, information or stories about you and your cat that would also be much appreciated,
kind regards

24-10-2008, 04:14 PM
hiya ill have a look and see if i can find it!! :D

24-10-2008, 04:37 PM
Good luck! Wish I could help, but Leia has such a soft purr doubt if I could tape it.....

24-10-2008, 10:57 PM
I will endeavor to get you a purr! or 2 or 3,4,5,6...