View Full Version : Cheerful Autumn Display

21-10-2008, 09:40 PM
My neighbor's porch steps! Don't know how long it will last, the squirrels love to steal those tiny pumpkins, not to mention the Indian corn! But a lovely sight to look at meanwhile!


21-10-2008, 09:54 PM
Now isn't that nice!:D It looks really attractive, I wish we did something like that over here....but unfortunately it wouldn't be squirrels we would have to worry about, it would be the hooligans that are out at night getting their kicks out of destroying things:roll:

21-10-2008, 10:03 PM
Oh, we have that here also...walk out in the morning and find smashed pumpkins in the street...hooligans have no boundries, do they!

21-10-2008, 10:03 PM
Too true Mags :( Living in the town centre I don't leave anything in the front garden that isn't chained or nailed down.

Eileen, your neighbour's display is lovely - so seasonal and cheerful. I'm a bit 'bah humbug' about Halloween, but only because I despise the commercialism of brats hammering on my door demanding sweets or (worst still) money!!!

21-10-2008, 10:09 PM
I have noticed that there area lot more Halloween things in our shops this year, I was amazed to see the racks of dressing up clothes for children, masks, brooms and other ghouly items in Sainsbury's. Special large packs of sweets and treats too!

Years ago we didn't bother much with Halloween but it seems to be getting quite a big thing here now..

21-10-2008, 10:15 PM
Actually, Hallowe'en is becoming more adult-oriented here; some parents are reluctant to let their children go out trick-or-treating; lots of the schools/rec centers have parties for the little ones. And the annual scene in Georgetown of adults in costume partying is a staple on the 11pm news......

21-10-2008, 10:16 PM
Thats lovely Eileen really Halloweenish if you get my drift.....may steal part of that for decorating the house at Halloween...if you don't mind.

I actually like Halloween.............

21-10-2008, 10:18 PM
Lovely picture. Might have to steal that idea myself :roll:

I dont like Halloween myself but it's definately getting more popular like the USA/Canada. I only make the effort because of the children as they like to dress up. I wont take them to peoples houses though and only family come round for a little Halloween tea party.

Any excuse for a party and get together :cat1

21-10-2008, 10:21 PM
That is so nice DM, what a great idea....

21-10-2008, 10:23 PM
Thats lovely Eileen really Halloweenish if you get my drift.....may steal part of that for decorating the house at Halloween...if you don't mind.

I actually like Halloween.............

"Course not! Feel free...but it will cost you pics! :-D

21-10-2008, 10:32 PM
Thats okay no problem have help this year in the shape of Lewis (nephew) but the pumpkins etc are an excellent idea.... ta Eileen.

I decorate the house but we only have the local children come round.........the little ones love it in fact was out today at Asda ad brought the crisps/chocolate etc and will nearer the day get/make some toffee apples......and fruit.

Oh and the diabetic choc for the couple of children who like/need that and the gluten free stuff for the little girl down the road and brought the milky way and choc buttons and milky way stars for the tiny ones and the ballons for those who prefer those................see I like Halloween

21-10-2008, 10:46 PM
Your pics are definitely a must then Kazz....... it sounds like it is going to be a lovely Halloween for you ...:D

21-10-2008, 10:49 PM
Always enjoy Halloween Mags.............had a bit of a lull when Katie and Sophie outgrew it but Lewis and Molly have stepped in the breach well. Sadly their older sister Taylor hates it. :(

22-10-2008, 08:18 AM
Eileen, where'd the picture go? :(

I love Halloween big style, and my aunt gave me tons of decorations last week. She got them in a Tesco sale a few years ago and never used them. So I've got them lol.

22-10-2008, 09:31 AM
No pic for me either :(

I'm not a fan of Halloween - at least not in it's current guise and not when it is followed within a week by Guy Fawkes Night.
I think there are huge possibilities for making 31 October the new national public holiday the politicians keep muttering about. The day (being the archaic All Souls Day) could become a little like the Japanese Ancestors Day, when everyone could do their own thing but it could be a special day for remembering. It would be a right of passage for those who have lost loved ones through the year, maybe give the opportunity for those that wish to visit a grave or memorial.
Then, as darkness falls and the next, brighter, day (All Saints Day) approaches, we could return to thinking of the present and the future, and have a fun time with the children, with whatever fancy dress/bonfire/fireworks they want.

And NO GUY FAWKES on 5 November. It's ridiculous and totally anachronistic to have something based on a Catholic/Protestant plot from way back.

That might also make it easier to restrict fireworks - as they should be.

Ah, I sound like Mrs Ghost of Autum Past - halloween, fireworks, guy fawkes - bah! humbug!

22-10-2008, 04:16 PM
Ooops, sorry! I had accidentally uploaded the pic to my Cats album; noticed it while I was working in it last night and moved it to Non Cat. Apparently that broke the link. I didn't know that, assumed a link to PB was the same, regardless of album..... sadder but wiser now! Here it is again:


22-10-2008, 04:39 PM
Thanks for recovering your great picture Eileen! It is very colourful. I sort of like Halloween - the black cats are lovely of course and I love the pumpkins. Not so keen on the ghouls and the ghosties!

22-10-2008, 04:58 PM
So far the squirrels haven't found the pumpkins and Indian corn...won't look like that when they do! I don't bother any more: tried spraying the pumpkins with Johnsons wax; didn't work; tried using Tabasco hot sauce on them; didn't work .....:roll: :-D

22-10-2008, 05:06 PM
Thanks for re-posting; it looks very nice. Pumpkins are so very, very, autumn

22-10-2008, 05:30 PM
how lovely!!! I would love to decorate my house before the 31st, but we'd just have all the kids knocking on the door early lol.

22-10-2008, 06:07 PM
All Souls Day is something we (being Eastern European and mildy obsessed with dead and remembering those who have died), celebrate. Every year we used to go to the Polish cemeteries in Ealing where families light masses of candles on the graves of their loved ones and the priest holds a procession and annoints the graves with holy water and prayers.

Now I'm seriously lasped, but the theatrical aspect of this ceremony fascinates me so I'd be very happy to have this feast resurrected. After all, we're happy to embrace Diwali and Eid so why not one of our old religious customs?

Just to say, my Mum has asked if I'd take her to this year's procession (to where my Dad and paternal Grandmother are buried) and bring Dominik so he can experience it, because it really is magic!

22-10-2008, 08:31 PM
I cannt see the picture:roll:

22-10-2008, 10:02 PM
See post #16 Elaine - Eileen had a bit of trouble but has reposted the picture.

23-10-2008, 04:56 PM
Thanx Angie.
They look super, shame the sqirrell spoiled it all:?