View Full Version : poop everywhere.

05-10-2008, 07:20 AM
well, tigger (the 17 year old w/tumor) has not been allowed in the boys' room lately (even though the rest of the house is free for him to use/roam). i haven't been letting him in there because i'm really meticulous about the ferret room and it is hard enough to clean on its own daily and he's been missing the litter box when he goes pee and has taken a habit to jumping out of the box in there after and spilling all the litter all over the floor..and i have enough "accidents" from the boys in there and well i'm just a little obsessive compulsive about it, i'll admit.
tonight he was in there and i've felt guilty about "kicking him out" so i let him stay with me and the little weasel butts and kuan yin. i held him and pet him and gave him lots of attention..
THEN he went into this huge dryer tube the boys play in that he can barely fit in and had diahhrea all over it and pressed it in with his feet (agggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!). it is really hard to reach into that tube and took FOREVER to clean.
i feel bad i was a bit upset at first (i wasn't mean, i just removed him from the room and then proceeded to swear to myself for fifteen minutes). i know he's really old and i've calmed down now. now i'm wondering if he did it because he's having health issues or because he was mad at me and showing how he felt.
not sure what to think but for my sanity i can't let him in there again. i clean up so much poop around here and i just want one room that is "controlled".
feel guilty/irritated/worried/unsure.
just had to vent.

05-10-2008, 12:52 PM
Good to vent Tink.

I am sure that poor Tigger did not have any agenda when he pooped in the tube. I really don't think they think like that. He just had to go and go he did.

I am sorry that you had to do all that cleaning up and I do know what a nasty job that can be, so I do sympathise.

I think you're probably right to confine him to his own space. Maybe he just wasn't sure where he was. As for missing the litter tray, I think that is to do with age. Merlin does that fairly often - luckily the floor around his tray is very easily cleaned vinyl.

I hope he hasn't had any further episodes of diarrhoea.

05-10-2008, 10:49 PM
yes, you are probably right. i think he might have gotten an upset stomach because he was again eating the ferret food (another reason why i keep him out usually) and it has only 10% carbs and is very rich in protein and fat and fiber. (amazing what clarity a night's sleep will bring you..LOL)
i was just surprised as it was the first time he did that (tend to take the cats using the litter box for granted after awhile).