View Full Version : plea for help!

01-10-2008, 04:58 PM
Hi there,

I am member of dogsey so some of you may already know me and my dog Max we live in spain but are moving back to the uk next month.

Anyway my husband as been in the UK this week to find us a house to rent he's been successful, but and its a sad story the eldery couple who lived in the house the man died and his wife as alziemers and has had to go into a home, leaving behind a cat which keeps returning to the now empty house the agents have asked us if we would take the cat on. the owners family has asked her to rehome it. I cant see it homeless or even worse!

But my plea is I have no idea how to look after a cat so i guess i need a idiots guide any help or advise would be usefully and im sure that like on dogsey you will come to my aid! we dont move back for 3 weeks and a nieghbour as been feeding the cat up til now...

what foods best how often i have no idea, vets jabs? everything!!!!

please help...

01-10-2008, 05:40 PM
That's so kind of you to look after the cat. Please forgive me as I don't have time for a lengthy response at the moment, but caring for a cat is relatively straightforward. The main thing will be to gain the cat's reassurance and security. I'll try and come later tonight or tomorrow to share further thoughts. I'm sure others will be on long before me though with some sound advice.

01-10-2008, 06:19 PM
How good of you to take the cat on. I'm sure you'll get along fine.

As yola said - quite straightforward. I'd probably sum it up with food, warmth, health, shelter.

Find out what the neighbour has been feeding and stick to that for a few days. Then decide if you want to change to a different quality or type of food. I feed mine a mixture of pouches, tins and dried. Tend to stick to Felix, Hi life, and whiskas for wet and Hills science for dry. But that is really a matter of preference. Amounts vary depending on cats age and whether it puts on weight easily or not. Always have water available

It would be useful if you knew if the cat was registered with a particular vet, then you would know it's history for jabs, etc. If not then try to find a good local vet. Perhaps someone here would know of one dependingf on the area you're moving back to.

Toileting - will depend on if it has used a litter tray in the past. If yes, no probs, buy a tray and try out different types of litter (there is a thread on here about litter types) If no, then will you put in cat flap to let it in and out and/or try to train it.

Warmth and shelter - self explanatory.

You'll find a cat is a joy to have, and at a basic level, not that much different from looking after a dog, although they can seem to be more independant.

The good news is no long walks in freezing rain is required!!!!

I really do wish you luck and as you probably know, this is a really helpful and friendly forum where folks are always happy to help and give their opinion so if you need help, just holler.


01-10-2008, 06:19 PM
Forgot to say Max my golden retriever is 2 years old and im a bit worried how the two of they will get on. Do you think as its the cats home me may fare better than if we brought the cat here into his home?

All i know is the cats black and white Don't know a age or whether its a boy or a girl!

01-10-2008, 06:23 PM
Hello,welcome to Catsey :D

How very kind of you to take on the care of this poor cat who has sadly lost both its owners. Cats are relatively easy to look after, they are happy as long as they comfort, food, water and the love of their owner.

You may find it useful to read this (http://www.bluecross.org.uk/web/site/Pawprint/AllAboutPets/Caring_for_your_adult_cat.asp) about caring for your cat ..........and here (http://www.moggies.co.uk/articles/nutrition.html) for feeding.

You will also need a litter tray and cat litter too.

01-10-2008, 06:24 PM
All I can suggest is introduce them slowly. Try to let them know each other is about but not actually meet for a few days.

I have Goldens and find they are great with the cats. Might take the cat a bit longer if it is older and not used to dogs. Last time I introduced an adult cat to the dogs it had a hissy fit for a few days and then they decided it wasn't worth the energy.


03-10-2008, 08:26 AM
I think this wil be fine
I'm sure puss wil be pleased to have company and have some heat on in the house!
If your dog takes a while to be calm enough for the cat's comfort, you could think of putting in a stair gate or similar barrier, so the cat knows there are parts of the house where the dog can never go.

Good luck - hope your move goes well

03-10-2008, 09:00 AM
Thanks for all the advice i knew i could count on all of you.:lol:

I hadn't thought about the stair gate idea the house is a bungalow matthew my eldest son is looking forward to having a cat and as said can it come in my room! maybe i'll make that its save haven. ;)

will be able to tell better when i get over there only 2.5 weeks to go i cant wait...:D

mel x

03-10-2008, 09:14 AM
it took about 2 weeks for my cats to accept ben (im bens mum on dogsey) but there was always some whee for the cats to go to when they had enough of a big hairy mutt wanting to stick his wet nose where cats dont like it LOL (he still does it ) but ben and the boys get on really well now.
so good luck with the move, and the cat n dog situation.

03-10-2008, 11:54 AM
aww that is really nice of you!! :D

do you know what food he eats? id stick to that & just go really slowly!

do you know anything abotu what vets he went too? im sure if he goes out his prob neutered/spayed and vacd already!

cant wait for pics!! :D

03-10-2008, 02:25 PM
You'll be awash with ideas and suggestions - so I just wanted to say that I hope your move goes well and to say "good for you" for taking on the care of the poor cat.

05-10-2008, 10:08 AM
aww that is really nice of you!! :D

do you know what food he eats? id stick to that & just go really slowly!

do you know anything abotu what vets he went too? im sure if he goes out his prob neutered/spayed and vacd already!

cant wait for pics!! :D


No idea what food he's on OH called round yesterday at the house to have a last look before setting off back here and the lady who's been looking after the cat told him its a boy but she's no idea what he's called they've been calling him Blackie:roll: poor cat not only has it lost its owners but also it's identity :(

Matthew my eldest wants to name him Paddy so we would have a Max and Paddy;) OH says he's very freindly followed him round and was after attention i think the poor things lonely:cry: Can't wait to get over there and take care of him.

If we have no idea of his name and she's been looking after him whats the chances of finding out about vets nil i reckon will just have to start from scratch and when we have his confidence take him to the vets i'll be using for Max

05-10-2008, 01:28 PM
I cannt think of anything other than what has already been suggested.
Wish you all well though and hope it all works out just fine, I am sure it will xxx

05-10-2008, 01:43 PM
I think that is going to be one lucky cat!
Compared with dogs, they are really easy to look after, and this poor character who's had to look after himself for so long, is likely to be delighted to have people of his own once again.
It doesn't matter what you call him. He'll soon get used to your voices and your tones and will pick out the tone which means you are talking to him and likely to stroke him, or, better still, going to feed him.
If you start off feeding him on what the neighbour has been giving him, you can make any adjustments you feel necessary as time goes by.
I hope you'll keep us posted as to how it's going

11-11-2008, 10:14 AM
Morning everyone,

Gosh its cold here in yorkshire, The boys and i have been living in the rented house now for a week and Jack the cat( the landlords tells us thats his name) seems to have accepted us well, he no longer lives in the garage but comes to the door to be let in.

We are getting on ok, I've carried on the same food he was on but its a cheap brand so am in the process of swapping him over to a premium complete food. He's desperate for attention climbs on your knee and kneads your legs then starts sucking and licking your clothes :shock: Is this a kind of security thing feeling safe etc?

I cant find out which vets they used the family have no idea:roll: so ive got a cat carrier and later this week im going to try and take him to the vets. he's very tolerant ive managed to get a collar on him hopefully i will be able to install a magnetic cat flap soon, and hes let me worm and flea him.. poor cat

I do feel really sorry for him though cause i know whats coming next Max the retriever should arrive in two weeks no idea how they will get on i just hope that Jack doesnt leave home:shock:

I have no internet at home until Thursday and having to use relations P.C's but once we are up and running photos will follow..

11-11-2008, 10:25 AM
I bet it's cold in Yorkshire after Spain LOL!!!

Great to hear that you've arrived, have settled in and most importantly that Jack is making himself at home. I do think that the kneading and sucking is some kind of reaction to finding affection. But how sweet :D

I hope the introductions with Max go well, take it very slowly and (fingers crossed) it should be a success.

11-11-2008, 01:51 PM
Hello! I was wondering how things had gone for you.

Jack has really landed on his feet hasn't he. He sounds a real sweetie and yes, I think, the kneading and sucking shows him to be content (and maybe just a little insecure?) If you don't like the clothes sucking (it really doesn't do knitwear any good!) just move him off gently.
I think 3 weeks of having you and the house to himself will give him enough security to accept he's going to share with Max.

11-11-2008, 03:53 PM
So glad to hear that you and Jack are getting along so well, fingers crossed that Jack and Max will get along just fine too. xxx:D

11-11-2008, 11:42 PM
aww he sounds like he is training YOU very well!!! :D :D

i love it when they suck your clothes & poke you about with there paws!! so funny! :D

id introduce them slowly and maybe think about getting a Feliway? and plug it in starting now really! and if you have anything of Max's (max & paddy would have been such a good name!) about let him get used to the smell!

that is what i have done as my bringing my older cat to live with my mew cat on Sunday so i have made sure they both have blankies that both have slept on etc Tay wasnt impressed & Elvis couldn't have cared less about them! :)

here is the link for the Feliway :D (oh and check on Ebay always cheaper!
