View Full Version : does your cat jump?

20-09-2008, 11:04 PM
i never ever remember my old cat jumping up, but i am so blown away by my net cat! some of the things he does, i Swear he knows what im talking about!! :shock: :lol:

but he can jump SO high now! im 5ft8 and he can jump up to where my ribcage is (not sure how high that is 4ft?)

just in playing as well like he wont even take a run up hell push off....and his there! lol! so funny!

i know cats jump up to fences etc but ive never really seen them just do it without moving and on the spot!

just wondered if other cats did this or is it just certain breeds? :)

20-09-2008, 11:09 PM
Cats are wonderfully agile and acrobatic, although it is hard to remember what they are like when young and full of beans and bus-tickets.

Have you ever seen a cat jump all four feet off the ground at the same time, rather like a jack-in-the-box?

21-09-2008, 12:08 AM
haha yes!!! he did this the other day!! i was hiding behind the door..........as you do!!! and he was waiting round the corner for me..........i was like 'rarrrr'!! lol and he jumped all fours!! i cried laughing!! was sooooooo funny! :D :D

he still plays the hide behind the door game everyday day i do the sameeee thing! still he enjoys it!! :D

21-09-2008, 02:05 AM
I don't know if it was breed or gender, but both of my boys, Aby and Singapura were great jumpers...especially on my back when I wasn't expecting it! They'd land about mid-back and then clamber up to my shoulders. Leia occasionally jumps from the kitchen table to the top of the fridge, that's a bit over 3 feet, I'd guess.

21-09-2008, 03:32 PM
awww!! he jumped onto my arm the other day.......from his house and didnt really work out the distance..........all i flet was nail in my arm *OUCHHHHHHHHH!!!* i tied my best to try and get him up but both of my hands were full as id just walked through the door & he was so excited to see me!!

he ended up sliding down my body and jumping off my leg........i have the stratches to prove it!! *owwww!!*

21-09-2008, 05:39 PM
I don't know if it was breed or gender, but both of my boys, Aby and Singapura were great jumpers...especially on my back when I wasn't expecting it! They'd land about mid-back and then clamber up to my shoulders. Leia occasionally jumps from the kitchen table to the top of the fridge, that's a bit over 3 feet, I'd guess.


awww!! he jumped onto my arm the other day.......from his house and didnt really work out the distance..........all i flet was nail in my arm *OUCHHHHHHHHH!!!* i tied my best to try and get him up but both of my hands were full as id just walked through the door & he was so excited to see me!!

he ended up sliding down my body and jumping off my leg........i have the stratches to prove it!! *owwww!!*


21-09-2008, 05:45 PM
My lot can jump, especially the siamese, I am 5ft 8, too and they can both jump into my arms....

21-09-2008, 07:13 PM
indoors mine will jump onto the wardrobe. but the other day ronnie was trying to jump from the bed onto the window frame. only he missed and ended up pulling 2 cat beds on top of him. sorry he looked for disgusted with himself i had to laugh at him. but if they can get me to pick them up and carry them to their chosen destination they will do.
and reggie hes not nimble at all, he will launch him self off some =where and fall. or get stuck so out comes the ladders (again)

21-09-2008, 08:02 PM


:-D They were both good boys, Angie, clambered up with claws mostly in, not ouchy at all!

21-09-2008, 08:10 PM
Well, that's a relief Eileen!

I'm not sure at all how to train kittens to keep their claws in - and always assumed (wrongly maybe) that it's part of how they are!

21-09-2008, 08:18 PM
I don't know if I trained them or they just figured it out for themselves (very smart boys, both!) When they were kittens whenever the game got too rough and claws came out I would yell loudly "Ouch, no!!!!! and immediately stop playing. They got the message ....

22-09-2008, 02:32 AM


lol! he trys to climb my leg too :shock: have stratches all up them!! must think there poles!! :lol: :lol:

but he knows not to bite me, his learnt really quick on that!! i cry and he stares then hell either puush me away (soo cute) or lick me or runn off!! his always back purring to say sorry though :)

he play bites my partner though and it hurts! im like 'dont let him do it hell think its ok!!' doesnt listen to me though.......... :roll: :?

22-09-2008, 04:07 PM
lol! he trys to climb my leg too :shock: have stratches all up them!! must think there poles!! :lol: :lol:

but he knows not to bite me, his learnt really quick on that!! i cry and he stares then hell either puush me away (soo cute) or lick me or runn off!! his always back purring to say sorry though :)

he play bites my partner though and it hurts! im like 'dont let him do it hell think its ok!!' doesnt listen to me though.......... :roll: :?

So right! If he doesn't learn it's a no-no, it'll hurt more when he's bigger!

22-09-2008, 04:18 PM
i know!!! i do end up sounding like a mum 'you boys better stop that! one of you will get hurt and its not the kitten!!'

'oooo he stratched me!!! im bleeding!!'

'serves you right!! told you not to do it!!'

*turns round and does it again*

'you never learn' *sigh*

thats how it goes!! need a smacked bum soon! :lol: (him not the kitten haha!) :lol:

22-09-2008, 04:30 PM
i know!!! i do end up sounding like a mum 'you boys better stop that! one of you will get hurt and its not the kitten!!'

'oooo he stratched me!!! im bleeding!!'

'serves you right!! told you not to do it!!'

*turns round and does it again*

'you never learn' *sigh*

thats how it goes!! need a smacked bum soon! :lol: (him not the kitten haha!) :lol:

They never listen, do they? :-D