View Full Version : Could Teddie be blind in one eye?

20-09-2008, 09:01 PM
As the title says. I have noticed that whenever I take a pic of Teddie, her eyes always look like this, and it's always the same eye that is yellow/black! If she is it doesn't affect her, but I'm just curious.


20-09-2008, 09:37 PM
It's certainly something strange Alex. Could you do a little test and cover each eye in turn with your hand and see if she can still follow movement with her head? Not conclusive, but would give you an indication perhaps.

20-09-2008, 09:56 PM
I would, but she and Cooper are now snuggled up on that sofa sleeping lol. Will try that later, thanks angie.

20-09-2008, 10:34 PM
When Misty went blind, both eyes, and very gradually so I, regretfully didn't realize, the pupils were completely dilated and did not react to light. If you shine a flashlight at her, the blind pupil won't contract. It may startle her, but won't hurt her. I do hope it's just a fluke, but if she has lost the sight in one eye she'll cope wonderfully, especially being an indoor cat. Completely blind cats get around so well it's difficult to realize they've lost their sight. Do let us know, Alex!!

21-09-2008, 08:28 AM
Other than what Eileen and Angie have said, I have no other advice to offer other than a wee vet visit just to check it out properly.
Please give Teddie a wee snuggle for me though xxx
Oh and i like your signature:lol:

21-09-2008, 06:38 PM
I would have it checked too Alex, does seem a bit queer, one showing up like that.....

21-09-2008, 10:49 PM
Does look odd. I can't add anything else. Hope it is ok. Best bet would be vet.


22-09-2008, 09:32 AM
It is strange that that is happening in just the one eye. Sometimes my cats' eyes both look odd in a photograph - which I put down to the flash catching them at an unflattering angle; but never just the one :?

I to think you should get a vet to have a quick look, or at least a vet nurse. They'll know exactly what they are looking for.

23-09-2008, 09:47 PM
Alex I would definitely get Teddie's eye looked at. She probably isn't blind but Persians and Exotics suffer a lot from Ulcers and Sequestras on the eye and it could be the start of one or the other. The sooner treatment is started the better.
Treatment will start off, if it isn't too bad, with eye drops being put in the eye about 8 times a day. If this doesn't clear it or it is too bad they may stitch the third eyelid over it to try and get it to heal. The final thing is an operation on the eye to scrape the ulcer/sequestra off. This is what Tate has had done 3 times.

As I said time is of the essence so get her to the vets.

24-09-2008, 09:20 AM
Hi Alex
I see Teddie doesn't change - still causing you worry!

24-09-2008, 12:49 PM
WOW DM, hello and yes she never changes lol.

Kay thank you, I will make an appointmenmt at the vet for Teddie. I hadn't heard of this before, so will get her checked out.