View Full Version : Mouse being sick alot, is this something to worry about?

31-08-2008, 09:17 PM
Hi All

Yesterday Mouse was sick 6 times throughout the course of the day.....and it was alot each time, entire contents of her tummy! Now tonight she's been sick twice (in about an hour's time).....once the contents of her stomach again, and once just bile. Sorry if this is really quite gross!

Over the past several weeks I have noticed she's been sick a couple times a week......but wasn't terribly concerned about that as it was only every few days.

She's still eating and wasn't sick after her breakfast this morning, or at all until about 2 hours ago......and I've held off her night feeding tonight for a few hours to make sure she doesn't sick up her medication. She's energetic and doesn't seem to be in any pain, and still using the litter box as usual.

Does this sound like it could be something she ate.....we had some cut flowers in the house on Friday night......(chrysanthemums)......and she showed an interest in them but not sure if she had a chew at them before they were put out of reach. I am quite worried because with her being on steroids for so long, and her immune system being affected, the vet has said she could be in danger of secondary illnesses.

Are there any illnesses that cause cats to be quite ill like that....but still alert and active and playful with only a little loss of appetite? My mother made a comment about kidney failure causing vomitting....which admittedly has sent me into a huge flurry of panic!



31-08-2008, 10:21 PM
Tina, I don't know about the renal failure, but did do a quick Google on poisonous plants and chrysanthemums are on the list.


I think I'd give my vet a quick call tomorrow, if only to ease your mind. Cats can be very good at hiding signs of illness....please let us know how Mouse is doing .....

31-08-2008, 10:28 PM
Thanks Eileen!

Will ring the vets first thing in the morning just to be sure. She hasn't been sick again since those 2 times this evening (touch wood!) so hopefully it's out of her system now! Have given her late dinner and so far it's staying down, which means hopefully her meds are staying down too!

Thanks again! WIll let you know how she is!


31-08-2008, 10:53 PM
I think it would be best to have her checked out Tina, seeing that dear Mouse is not 100% fit anyway. Do so hope it's nothing to worry about. Let us know how she gets on.

01-09-2008, 02:23 PM
Poor Mouse, how is she today? What did the vet say?

01-09-2008, 03:19 PM
Mouse hasn't been sick again since I posted here yesterday. Rang the vet this morning and he said it sounded like she had eaten something that disagreed with her (likely chewing on those flowers!) and that she should be fine as she is now eating like a horse and keeping everything down and has plenty of energy, etc! She has an appointment next week for her monthly blood tests, so the vet said as long as she doesn't start being sick again before that then not to worry.

Thanks for the responses and advice, it is much appreciated as I DO worry an awful lot about little Mousie!


01-09-2008, 04:18 PM
Good news, Tina!

01-09-2008, 06:42 PM
Excellent news! :D

01-09-2008, 07:49 PM
Glad to hear that Mouse is on the mend after her upset tummy. She must be such a worry due to her condition but at least you are on the ball and pro active about anything that crops up with her. xxx

01-09-2008, 08:21 PM
Gentle cuddles to dear Mouse and (((HUGS))) for you Tina - do let us know how she gets on with her tests next week.

01-09-2008, 11:06 PM
Hi all

Mouse has started being sick again tonight....3 times so far in the past 2 hours.......so will be ringing vet in morning again and ask him to see her tomorrow some time.

Seems to me that she isn't digesting her food, when she was sick tonight it was ALOT and seemed to be her undigested breakfast from 8 hours before! She hasn't touched her dinner much tonight, probably afraid to eat in case she's sick again.

Will keep you posted......keep your fingers crossed it's nothing serious.


01-09-2008, 11:13 PM
Fingers crossed that Mouse improves, gentle soothing vibes being sent to her......

01-09-2008, 11:38 PM
I do hope she is ok, fingers and toes crossed for her.

01-09-2008, 11:45 PM
Oh dear! Good vibes coming ......

02-09-2008, 09:39 AM
Poor Mouse, fingers crossed. Let us know what the vet says.

02-09-2008, 03:49 PM
My Rosie is sick regularly - mostly because she hoovers up her own food and then quickly tries to eat either Alfie's or Holly's dinner. She also get sick when trying to get up furballs. It is invariably undigested so I have to get to it before the dog does:shock:

Her favourite place to be sick is the windowsill. Hope your furry friend has nothing more serious.

02-09-2008, 04:36 PM
Oh dear! :( Let us know how Mouse does at the vets!

02-09-2008, 08:26 PM
Poor Mouse, I had hoped that she was over the sickness thing. I hope its not too serious and can be remedied very soon for her. xxx

02-09-2008, 09:09 PM
Hi All

Mouse was at the vet this evening. He thinks it's either a bug, or that her steroids has irritated the lining of her stomach possibly causing an ulcer. She is now on antibiotics in case it's a bug, and on something to soothe her wee tummy so she's not being sick. He's also changed her diet to a milder food that will be more gentle on her tummy and is more easily digestible. She also had a very slight temperature.

We're back to the vet on Friday and will see if there's been any improvement, and when her normal blood tests are done in 2 weeks the vet will check to rule out anything more serious. Hoping the diet change and antibiotics will do the trick!

Thank you all for your support!


02-09-2008, 09:12 PM
I have everything crossed that the meds and food do the trick and there is nothing more serious going on with her. xxx

02-09-2008, 09:32 PM
Fingers crossed here too. Is she eating and keeping it down now?

02-09-2008, 09:45 PM
So far everything's stayed down. Just trying to get my head around when to give her all of her meds......twice a day for two of the meds and her steroids are already once a day, everything has to be on empty stomach, or one hour before food, and no meds within 2 hours of the tummy soother one LOL! Very confusing! She's very good though and takes everything without complaint! :-)


02-09-2008, 09:52 PM
So far everything's stayed down. Just trying to get my head around when to give her all of her meds......twice a day for two of the meds and her steroids are already once a day, everything has to be on empty stomach, or one hour before food, and no meds within 2 hours of the tummy soother one LOL! Very confusing! She's very good though and takes everything without complaint! :-)


Oh, you are so blessed! If Leia was on a medication plan like that I'd have to ask a vet nurse to moonlight !!! She's unpillable....

02-09-2008, 10:06 PM
Oh, you are so blessed! If Leia was on a medication plan like that I'd have to ask a vet nurse to moonlight !!! She's unpillable....

I know, I have to say I am lucky with Mouse, she's so easy-going! Our other cat, Miw, would have my hand off if I tried to get a pill or medicine into her......monthly flea treatments are done in full body armour!

02-09-2008, 10:09 PM
She's such a good Mouse - hope she manages to keep her food down Tina. Good luck on Friday too.

02-09-2008, 10:34 PM
Oh, I'm so glad it sounds like something quite straightforward. I will keep fingers and toes crossed that there is nothing else to it.