View Full Version : Leia inspecting the harvest

24-08-2008, 09:12 PM
This Spring I planted an ordinary 50 cent bunch of scallions from the market to see if it was true that they'd grow into nice small boiler onions..well, they did! Here's the small harvest drying on a newspaper, and being inspected by you-know-who!

I think I'll plant another bunch; we often don't get a killing frost till November.





24-08-2008, 09:46 PM
I think we call those spring onions Eileen - do you string them and hang them up until you need them?

24-08-2008, 09:56 PM
First time I've grown onions, Angie so had to Google what to do. They said to let them dry in the sun in the garden for a few hours, then spread out where they'd get good air circulation for 2-3 days, then braid them...but there aren't enough dried leaves to braid and hang up! I think I'll just put them in a hanging wire basket,,,should work. Some markets do call them spring onions here......