View Full Version : Guinness has been a bit poorly

20-08-2008, 09:19 PM
He started being grumpy on Monday, thats usualy the sign of him being ill. We couldnt take him to the vets on Tuesday because my brother has had an operation on a lump and we where up and down all day we also had to feed his cats(i didnt want you all to think i was ignoring his health). His cystitas has started playing him up again he still is stuck at 9kg. The vet said he could feel it enlarged a tiny bit. He asked us if he has had anything for it apart from his diet food which he hasnt and prescibed Cystease for a month. Does anybody know if this medication will be a on going thing or just when it flares up. In the past he has only had AB's and Diazapan.


20-08-2008, 09:25 PM
So sorry Guinness is poorly again Jane. Merlin has had urinary problems on and off for years, and apart from the special low pH diet he was on for years, flare-ups were treated like you describe - anti bios and anti inflammatory which calmed the condition very quickly. I have not heard of Cystease and don't know how long it is usually prescribed for. I'm sure someone else will be along soon who will know - failing that perhaps you should phone the surgery and just ask, but maybe it's just a question of seeing how he responds to it first?

20-08-2008, 09:29 PM
Hi, I think cystease can be used long term or short term. Sooty one of my cats has the odd bout of cystitis and the vet said he can get one a day long term if the problem continues- he is on 2 a day at the moment. I assume the vet thinks it is stress related if he is getting diazapan, have you tried a feliway diffuser and you could also try zylkene, which isn't a medication as such, rather than a sedative like diazapan. It may be worth asking your vet anyway.

20-08-2008, 09:30 PM
tomato puree is supposed to help, I had a cat many years ago with the same problem and used to feed sardines in tomato. I think it did help a bit, got into the habit of giving it as a treat once a week or so. No problems with any of my cats since but that could be just coincidence.

Hope he feels better soon.