View Full Version : ronnies making me work overtime

15-08-2008, 09:41 PM
it was quite a day yesterday. woke up to pile of dog sick. (nice) then OH had a bad tummy for most of the day.
then fed the boys, and ronnies such a greedy guts, he eats too quickly then throws it up again. but last night i was calling him a few names. went into the bedroom and what did i find ? a long line of kitty up-chuck :shock: cheers ronnie. so theres me having to do a complete bed change. and what did *sir* do after i had finished. GOT UP ON THE CLEAN FRESHLY MADE BED for a nap :shock: er dont think so fella.:lol:
and today its been my turn been rough. but made it to the loo.

15-08-2008, 10:20 PM
Quite a day you had, BM! Of course Ronnie wasn't going to nap in a messy bed; he was just glad you changed it for him....

16-08-2008, 12:00 AM
Sorry you all sound as if you've had something that disagreed - why is it that it's always the woman that has to clean it up?

16-08-2008, 08:27 PM
Sorry you all sound as if you've had something that disagreed - why is it that it's always the woman that has to clean it up?
its like when ever any of the pets have been ill.its alway YOUR dog/cat. funny that eh???