View Full Version : A very sore tummy :(

11-08-2008, 09:25 AM
**WARNING, Graphic content. Do not read whilst eating!**

On Friday night I tried the boys on a new food: Nature's Menu Beef and Heart. Darcy loves their treats, so I thought he might like the food too and it is supposed to be very good for them with no additives or bulking carbs etc. I mixed in 1/2 pouch of NM with a 1/2 pouch of their favourite Felix flavour. Minsky didn't touch the NM, very fussy, but Darcy ate it quite happily. Not overly excited by it, but ate it all the same.

Saturday afternoon - poo as normal.

Sunday morning, very bad toilet :( Darcy had diarreah (sorry for graphic description). I've seen both of them have soft poos before, but this was different. It was proper diarreah, and really really stank, to the high heavens. I was gagging as I was cleaning it up, and I'm generally not phased at all by these things.

I was really worried for the poor boy. But he seemed fit as a fiddle, just maybe slightly less bouncy as normal. Still purring, still eating his Felix, still eating a few treats when I offered him (just 2 to test him!) But over the course of the day he went (every time in the litter tray) again, about 4 times. The first time was a large amount, but thereafter it went down in volume, until it was just a small amount each time. This morning there was a semi-soft, semi-diarreah small poo in the litter tray, so an improvement from yesterday but still quite icky.

I feel so awful and guilty. I'm not 100% sure, but my guess lies with the NM food. Minsky didn't touch it, and he's fine. Darcy ate both halves, so one whole packet, and pretty much one day later has a really upset tummy. I'm guessing I just shouldn't have given him so much as a new food at once, but should have phased it in more, or it just really didn't agree with him.

I am keeping a very close eye on both him and the litter tray. Like I said, he's maybe slightly more subdued than normal (less playful) but still happy, purring, sleeping happily. I did notice last night that he was licking his bum a lot, and I thought "Oh no, worms!" but really can't think how he would have got them. I'll keep an eye, and see if once the diarreah goes away he's still licking his bum etc. I'm hoping tonight I'll come home to a clean litter tray *fingers crossed* I'm guessing it might be a whole day before he goes for a poo again as he's been kind of cleaned out.

Sorry for sharing this rather graphic story, it's just the first time either have had a properly upset tummy. There's been one vommiting incident, which wasn't bad at all, and a few hairballs, but nothing like this.

Has anyone had similar experience with NM food, or a different new food they've introduced? I am being very cautious and considerate in looking after them, feeding them etc. I guess I just jumped the gun by giving them too much NM, but didn't think to lessen it as Darcy has been eating their treats since I got them, and loves them.

Rant over, sorry for the long post!

11-08-2008, 11:04 AM
Poor Darcy, I hope he'll be feeling better today. He is most likely licking his bottom as it can get quite sore with the diarrhoea.

Any new food should be introduced very gradually over a week or so and in Darcy's case it appears that the Nature's Menu could be the cause of the diarrhoea.

11-08-2008, 11:07 AM
Thanks Mags, he really seemed alright apart from frequent litter-tray trips, and bottom licking.

He was in a huff this morning on an unrelated note, as he kept us up last night banging the front door by scratching at it continually. We chose to ignore him and he wasn't happy. He's done it in the past and it's pure attention seeking. :roll: I was giving him extra special attention due to his sore tum, but after getting out of bed once at 3am to find him purring the moment I got out of bed, then to have him banging again the moment I got back into bed, I realised he wasn't making a fuss because he was ill but because his pets weren't playing with him when he wanted them too!

I'm keeping him on Felix for the time being. Have ordered Orijen to replace their dry food and once it arrives won't try it for a week or more, until he's completely settled, then will very gradually mix it in.

11-08-2008, 02:15 PM
So sorry to read about Darcy's sore tum (and sore bum too!). Hope he continues to improve. Like me, I expect you won't be happy until you see a "normal" poo. I would bet it was the food especially as you say Minsky is fine and didn't eat it.

11-08-2008, 02:20 PM
Thanks angie, I do feel for the poor boy, although I am slightly amazed that he was fine otherwise. He wasn't lacking in energy or grumpy or anything. He was determined to get me up at 3am as well, which is the Darcy I know and love, so he seems to be coping well.

I am on official poo-watch. Out of the two, Darcy does bury his whereas Minsky leaves it in all its glory and doesn't bother to bury it (:roll: :lol: :shock: ) so it will be easy to tell when he's gone for a normal one. As I said, I'm guessing tonight he may not go at all, but possibly tomorrow? Normally they're both regular as clock-work.

11-08-2008, 03:17 PM
Poor Darcy, I know only too well what its like to be on poop watch:lol: .
My two eat natures menue and havent had any problems, as has been mentioned, maybe a little too much too soon.
Bad mummy;)

11-08-2008, 03:22 PM
:lol: I did feel very guilty last night, but couldn't help but laugh when I thought of the song from the show Friends "smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?" Poor Darcy, they hate to be undignified!

I will definately avoid this mistake again. My Orijen order arrived today but I'll hold off for a week and mix in a tiny amount with their Go-Cat when the time comes.

11-08-2008, 04:50 PM
Poor Darcy! I agree it must have been the NM as Minsky was fine; but how were you to know he'd have such a violent reaction? Bum licking is probably because it was sore as others have said. Ah well, live and learn...chin tickles to both boys!

11-08-2008, 07:19 PM
To Meep

Have the same problem with my cat, Cactus everything she eats, she either brings up one end or it comes out at the other, I've had to resort to plain fish (cheapest supermarket frozen fish, microwaved) and now trying Royal Canin sensitive wet and dry food.

Cactus is a CP league cat and I'm sure this is why her previous owner threw her out and she was found straying, but I think I'm now on top of the situation, but she does find most commercial pet foods really rich, which is why I've gone down the Royal Canin route, I purchase in bulk and it works out at 50p a pouch, which I don't think is too bad. If you have any problems again the best way is water and a bit of dried food for 24hrs.

12-08-2008, 09:42 AM
DM - it was a very violent reaction! When we first got them, the CP lady said they'd fed them a variety of things and didn't give me much guidance on what to feed them. So as we were testing a few things out, they did have occasionaly soft poos, probably from the change in diet etc. But this was entirely different, it really really must not have agreed with him - I just wouldn't expect something so awful, especially from a food that's such high quality. But I've learnt my lesson!

LorrH, thanks for sharing your story. (Cactus is a very cute name by the way!) It's a shame to hear about poor cactus, I'm guessing the vet can't recommend anything? How is the Royal Canin sensitive treating her? Darcy normally isn't sensitive to anything, and in the past it's been my other boy, Stravinsky, who's had a slightly more sensitive tum - so this one food by Nature's Menu must just really have been the wrong thing for him.

Update: When I came home from work yesterday, 5pm, there was a wee bit more diarreah in the litter tray from during the day. But once I cleaned that up, there's not been any since, either last night or this morning - :D So hopefully he's on the mend!

12-08-2008, 11:50 AM
That's good news Meep, it sounds like his system is now getting back to normal..:D

12-08-2008, 11:54 AM
He certainely is making up for one-lost day of normalness too Mags, by being overly-energetic and playing this morning! It was hard to tear myself away from him!

I've discovered he loves it when, if hes in a playful, wide-eyed mood, if I go into a different room to him, get down on the ground and poke my head ever so slightly round the edge of the door, so I can just see him and he can just see me, he'll begin to stalk me. He'll creep up one wee step at a time, down on the groun with eyes wide, and then suddenly pounce!! But he won't have his claws out and straight aftewards he continually head butts me and rubs into me as if to say "I didn't really want to stalk you or scratch you, it's just a game!" very cute :)

12-08-2008, 11:55 AM
And I'll still be on poo watch today. I'm thinking he might not go tonight, if his systems been cleared out a bit, but hopefully if not tonight then tomorrow! No more bad smells this morning either which is a relief :)

12-08-2008, 12:46 PM
Hi meep! Lovely description of you playing hide and seek with Darcy! He does sound a most delightful cat. Glad to hear he is probably on the mend. Has he eaten his Felix?

12-08-2008, 12:56 PM
Thanks angie! I wondered if I could catch it on video but I don't think the video would manage to capture it properly, as the perspective would be all wrong. It's my face that he runs up to and sniffs at, not the cameras :lol: It's just the way he runs round the corner on his tip-toes, with his tail held high, all excited yet slightly confused at the same time. He must be thinking "why is she pretending to be a cat when she's not? do I pounce or not?" Bless.

He's been eating his felix fine since he had an upset tummy. No disturbance to his eating at all, which is one of the reasons I wasn't too concerned about his sore tummy. The day he had the really bad bout, Sunday, he was still eating Felix like a good boy :) I just haven't given him any of his yummy Nature's Menu treats which he probably isn't best pleased with. (I've been starting to 'hide' them so he has to climb objects to get them. I'll train him as a circus cat yet ;) :lol: )They haven't ever upset his tummy at all, and he loves them so, but since it was NM wet food that upset his tummy I thought it best to layoff the treats till he's fully mended.

12-08-2008, 03:08 PM
Thanks Meep

Cactus was also a CPL cat, who apparently ate most things without any problems, I find that quite hard to believe! Cactus is now doing o.k on the Royal Canin sensitive wet food and Purina sensitive dry food with fish in the afternoon. She did have a very bad reaction to something that I had to put in her water to stop plaque appearing on her teeth, she had a teeth clean and polish at the vet's - cost £150, so I can't use this method, also tried gel and toothpaste and guess what, she had a really bad stomach upset with all of them. The problem is she will not use her litter tray when she has a really smelly poo, so I have to keep my eye on her like a hawk, and yes they are really bad ones! As she never seems to like going out much she will not go outside, but I think I've now got around the problem - she seems o.k at the moment.

13-08-2008, 01:37 PM
Update: Still not normal, hmmm.

First bad bout was Sunday, all day Sunday frequent, upset toilet visits. Monday, a small amount of bad poo. Tuesday a 'normal' sized poo (ie. his daily poo) but still quite soft and smelly. Not diarreah but not a hard, normal poo either.

Starting to get a wee bit more concerned. It has been 4 days since his sore tummy began and 6 days since he ate the NM food. He's acting entirely normal, bright as a button, not licking his bum any more, and not 'struggling' over the toilet or suddenly having to rush over. He just goes as normal but the poo itself isn't normal. I'm just concerned he's still showing signs of an upset tummy; I'd have hoped it'd be out his system by now.

Anyone have experience on cats with upset tummys and amount of time it takes to get back to normal? If he's not 100% by Friday I'll think about the vets. Like I said he's showing no other signs of illness at all apart from the poos themselves, hence why I've not been in touch with vet at all. Just worried it's lasting so long.

13-08-2008, 01:44 PM
You could try Darcy on either steamed white fish or boiled chicken only for a day or two, that would give his system chance to recover...

13-08-2008, 01:46 PM
Thanks for the suggestion Mags. Would the fish or chicken be less rich than his Felix food? He's not had any trouble with his Felix food at all in the past, and he's been eating it happily right through his tummy troubles, so do you think the Felix may be preventing his stomach from recovering?

I don't at all want to argue or doubt; I'm just concerned that if I introduce something new into his diet he's not had before (fish or chicken) it may servie to aggravate it more rather than let it settle. :S

13-08-2008, 01:52 PM
Thanks for the suggestion Mags. Would the fish or chicken be less rich than his Felix food? He's not had any trouble with his Felix food at all in the past, and he's been eating it happily right through his tummy troubles, so do you think the Felix may be preventing his stomach from recovering?

I don't at all want to argue or doubt; I'm just concerned that if I introduce something new into his diet he's not had before (fish or chicken) it may servie to aggravate it more rather than let it settle. :S
The fish and chicken is very bland when it's steamed or boiled, Meep and contains nothing (no additives) that would upset his tum. I swear by it when Cassie is off colour, I also offer her some of the fish stock with it.

13-08-2008, 01:53 PM
Great, thanks Mags, sounds promising :) I'll leave him tonight with normal food and then try him on it tomorrow night if there's no improvement. The problem is giving it to him and not Minsky without Minsky getting jealous :roll:

13-08-2008, 02:04 PM
I have given poached chicken or fish to Merlin when he was poorly (but actually he was completely off any other food) - as Mags says there is nothing in it that could cause gastro-intestinal problems. Rice is sometimes suggested, but Merlin would not touch that at all.

Getting Darcy to eat it without Minsky wanting some may be a practical problem, but why not give it to both of them?

I used the very cheap frozen white fish fillets from the supermarket and also the cheapest chicken breast fillets (sorry, not the free-range organic sort).

13-08-2008, 02:17 PM
Thanks for extra advice Angie, it does make sense! I could give Minsky a wee bit too, although to be honest he's never tried chicken, salmon or ham when we've offered him a morsel as a treat. Strange cat!

I'll have to pick some up tomorrow and try it tomorrow night; rice is an interesting one, but I get the feeling Darcy may share Merlin's sentiment towards it :roll:

I'm just hoping I come home to either an empty litter tray or an almost-normal poo!

13-08-2008, 04:21 PM
I hope all's well when you get home tonight. I'm very lucky; all of mine have had cast-iron tummies! But if Leia ever develops that problem I wouldn't hesitate to try the poached chicken....not fish, you know how she feels about fish! As to rice, it was always carefully avoided/eaten around by every cat but Dandy, who liked it...but his breed was from Singapore where they may have developed a taste for it! Chin tickles to both boys....

13-08-2008, 04:25 PM
Thanks DH! Darcy's stomach has been unphased by anything up until now, in the past it's been Minsky who's had one or two soft poos (nothing like what Darcy has now though). From the way it's going, I get the feeling tonight there'll be another very soft poo, and maybe tomorrow it'll be slightly more normal? I think it might just be a !day by day it gets better"case hopefully!

13-08-2008, 04:29 PM

Sorry to hear Darcy is still having little problems, it can take a while to get their tummies back to normal, Cactus was quite a few days when she had the dental problems. A friend has just informed me that some of the all-in-one wormers/flea treatments can cause vomiting and the like in cats, I'm using Advocate at the moment and Cactus has had a few vomiting episodes, so I'm not sure if this is the problem. I know in adults it can take 1-2 weeks for a poorly tummy to get better, but I think you are wise to visit the vet on Friday if Darcy is not better. Good luck

14-08-2008, 02:09 PM
How is Darcy today Meep.....is his system back to normal yet? :?

14-08-2008, 02:10 PM
Hi Mags. There was no bad poo at all yesterday evening when I came home from work, and none this morning. Basically, no poo at all! Which I take to be a very good sign. Up until yesterday morning there were little traces of soft poo now and again, and one large soft poo. But the diarreah, runnyness seems to have stopped entirely so I'm hoping his system's almost back to normal and I'll find a normal poo soon!

Fingers crossed for tonight!

14-08-2008, 02:14 PM
Merlin and I have our paws and fingers crossed for Darcy! Poo watch is very stressful - do hope he's truly back to normal before the weekend.

14-08-2008, 02:23 PM
Looking good then ..:D... I hope all is' neat and tidy' when you get home tonight!:D

14-08-2008, 02:37 PM
Thank you Angie and Mags both! I am hopeful as like I said, his character hasn't been off at all, he's not been acting ill - just the litter tray itself that isnt so nice! But if not tonight then hopefully tomorrow morning we'll be back to normal! Like I said, they're normally both regular as clock work so it's easy to tell when something's not right.

14-08-2008, 02:39 PM
P.S. He jumped up on the couch behind me and started eating my hair last night - something he only does when he's in the highest of spirits! So like I said, it's looking hopeful!

14-08-2008, 04:31 PM
How are things today, meep?

14-08-2008, 04:33 PM
I'm at work at the moment, will be home in about an hour and will find out! No poo last night or this morning at all, which I take to be a good sign as it means the diarreah has stopped. Up until yesterday evening there were wee bits here and there being left in the tray, and yesterday morning there was a normal size, but soft poo. So I'm hoping I'll go home to find an almost normal, or completely, normal poo! If not then, then tomorrow morning.

Will keep you posted!

14-08-2008, 04:36 PM
Before I joined this forum I never would have believed I'd be so obsessed with the poo watch!!!

14-08-2008, 04:38 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't know if that's a good thing DH; apologies!

My OH is obviously concerned but I was the one who discovered the first, really, really bad bout of it and since he found out about it he's avoided the litter tray at all costs :roll: So it's good to have somewhere I can talk about my poo-watch without watching the person go green!

Hopefully by tonight or tomorrow we won't need to think about poo watch for quite some time ;)

14-08-2008, 04:44 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't know if that's a good thing DH; apologies!

My OH is obviously concerned but I was the one who discovered the first, really, really bad bout of it and since he found out about it he's avoided the litter tray at all costs :roll: So it's good to have somewhere I can talk about my poo-watch without watching the person go green!

Hopefully by tonight or tomorrow we won't need to think about poo watch for quite some time ;)

No apology needed! We've all worried thru Teddie, Porsha, Eva, et al either with the runs or no poo...only cat people... we are indeed a different breed.....:-D

15-08-2008, 09:40 AM
Update: No poo this morning or last night :?

So that makes a day and a half of no poo at all. I did kind of expect this to happen, as he has kind of flushed out his system and it's probably just getting back into synch. But if there's none tonight I'll consider taking him to the vets.

I've been told by the CP that the vets really stress these two out, and it took four people to hold Minsky down to get his jabs. So I am avoiding the vet until the situation really seems to call for it; and right now, to me, it makes sense that his system is getting back to normal after a bout of diarreah and there may be a few days without a poo at all.

Fingers crossed for tonight though!

I do remember Elaine's thread on Eva's lack of poo; I waited with baited breath every day until she finally got one! :lol:

15-08-2008, 11:50 AM
Update: I just called the vet for advice and to potentially make an appoint. I explained the situation and she said it's normal for a cat to go 5 - 7 days without a bowel movement after a bout of diarreah, as the diarreah comes from very high up and it can take a while for a normal poo to build up. It's only been 2 days since Darcy passed a normal size, soft poo.

I asked if I should bring him in tonight and she said if he seemed perfectly happy, was still eating normally, hadn't been sick, and wasn't straining over the litter tray to leave it till Monday. If he produces nothing by then, to bring him in.

He hasn't strained at all over litter tray, is eating happily, still his normal self, and I was thinking that after a bout of diarreah it could take a few days to pass anything else. I was worried this morning when there was nothing in the tray, and am still concerned but the vet really did sound like she'd heard of this situation a lot before; and even said her cats have had a similar problem and she just kept a close eye on them and eventually they passed a normal poo!

She also suggested buying liquid parafin from the pharmacist and giving him a teaspoon which might speed the process up a bit :? I've never heard of this before and did query it but she assured me it's normal practice. I may just leave that out and wait till Monday and then take him to the vets.

15-08-2008, 11:51 AM
P.S. I won't be online till later this evening; I know I'm normally on throughout the day, and it would be unusual for me not to reply. I just don't want anyone to think I'm ignoring the responses!

15-08-2008, 12:24 PM
Meep, when Cassie was confined to a cage with a broken pelvis, my vet told me to give her a tsp of liquid parafin mixed in with her food ........ it stopped her from straining while her pelvis was healing. It does work......gently too..:)

15-08-2008, 12:38 PM
Thank you Mags; this does reassure me greatly. I'd never heard of this before, but it is good to know it has been done and works. I'll buy some of this today and mix it in with his meal tonight *fingers crossed*

15-08-2008, 02:27 PM
Merlin has had liquid paraffin too in the past, and I have some in the cupboard on standby, but I only used that when he was definitely suffering with constipation, which is why it didn't pop into my mind before meep - sorry! He would not touch his food with it in however but was very happy to lick it off my fingers and would usually take two or three fingers worth! As Mags says, it is a gentle remedy. But some people do not like to use it as it is a petroleum product.

(Actually I used to have it too as a child and actually liked it! - strange child!!!)

15-08-2008, 03:58 PM

I came home early and fed them both a special Sheba chicken dinner, which has in the past usually quickened their toilets.

About 5 minutes later I heard Darcy scratching around in his tray and almost jumped for joy. I perched myself at the doorway and looked casually in so he wouldn't feel embarassed, to see if he was 'straining' but not going. But he went! And it was a normal poo!

So I thought.....

I went to pick it up with a disposable plastic glove on, and in doing so was able to 'feel' it slightly to check that it wasn't too soft. When I picked up one part, another part came up with it, as if they were joined together by something that wasn't poo... So, I hate to say, but I began to examine the poo and pull it apart a little...

And I found, altogether, three bits of sellotape each about 2 inches long :shock: :shock: : shock:

As you can imagine, I was quite disturbed and very worried. I called the vet straight away (well, after disposing of the poo!) It was the same lady I'd spoken to last time, so I just told her what had happened.

She said that there's really very little they could do for him at this stage. If he's passing it naturally that's a very good sign; the only worry is that there might still be some inside him that isn't passed. So I'm to keep a very close eye on him and his bowel movements. The only thing that vets can do is, firstly if he's constipated give him something to relieve that, and secondly if they do an x-ray and find some more sellotape or foreign objects inside him; operate to remove them.

So I'm slightly in shock. It is good news that he's done a normal poo and has passed out the sellotape naturally. but very bad news that he'd eaten it in the first place! So now it could have been that that made him ill rather than the NM food.

I feel so irresponsible. I always thought of myself as a good, responsible and loving cat owner who wasn't negligent or only wante cats because they "looked cute" but genuinely wanted to care for them.

And to now find out he ate sellotape, was ill with it for a few days and has passed it has really made me think I might not be a good owner! I feel so guilty.

I am now away to search the flat top to bottom for any bits of plastic, sellotape, anything that he could eat.

Also, I'm thinking, why on earth did he eat sellotape?! I've no idea where he would have found it. I clean and hoover regularly, so if I'd seen it I would have picked it up. It must have fallen behind the couch or coffee table...

Thankfully the sellotape was, to be graphic, embedded in the poo and I had to dissect it to find it, rather than on the outside of the poo; the vet said this is good as it won't have caused any internal damage.

Jeez-o, what a day.

Darcy is still acting fine. Happy after his tasty Sheba meal, and purring like a motor right now.

15-08-2008, 04:05 PM
And thanks for the advice too Angie! It is reassuring to hear of other people using it in this way. Good to know, and have in the cupboard, if ever needed (I now have some).

15-08-2008, 04:11 PM
meep, please don't beat yourself up over this! It was an accident, pure and simple; cats do eat weird things on occasion and you couldn't have foreseen it. You are not an irresponsible cat owner!!! Wasn't it fortunate that you discovered it; hope he's passed all of it by now. I know you'll keep a sharp eye on the next movements...chin tickles to the boys and a big (((hug))) to you; been a distressing couple of days ....

15-08-2008, 04:18 PM
Goodness meep - that really is something that none of us could possibly imagine having happened - don't blame yourself please. As DM says, cats do eat weird things (not as bad as dogs) but they do. As you say, you are careful not to leave things lying around that could harm them and there really is nothing else you can do. These things happen.

Thank goodness that he has passed some (and hopefully all) the tape. Please give him a good cuddle from me and have a ((((HUG)))) for yourself - as least he has poo'd!

15-08-2008, 04:23 PM
Thank you Eileen and Angie - I really appreciate what you've said.

When I told the vet, and asked her advice she said "Well firstly, change his diet! He shouldn't have eaten that!" She was nice but that comment got to me; I was thinking 'Of course I didn't leave this out for him, or give it to him as a treat.' My flat is very clean, there isn't piles of rubbish lying around for him to snack on. He really must have tried hard to find it. But the vets attitude toward me and the situation kind of got to me.

Like you say, it couldn't have been forseen, and I wasn't to know he would have eaten it if he had found it! Although I do now. It's so hard not to feel it's your fault when you're the one responsible.

He is now running around like crazy, full of beans and meowing loudly to be played with. So even though he was fine before it's as if he's now 'free' of whatever icky feeling he had and is making up for lost time!

Thank you again everyone; for all your help, support and advice on the whole thing. He'll get many cuddles and chin tickles from all of you :)

15-08-2008, 04:26 PM
Meep, an irresponsible owner would probably not even noticed that there was anything up with their cat, let alone call a vet, seek advice and disect their poo.
There is nothing irresponsible at all about what has happened, its just one of those things and now it's been brought to your attention, it's one of those things that is less likely to happen again to any cat that is lucky enough to be owned by you.
Now, put those feelings of guilt aside and get on with enjoying your kitties other wise i will have to take a trip down south and slap your fingers:lol:

15-08-2008, 04:37 PM
Meep, an irresponsible owner would probably not even noticed that there was anything up with their cat, let alone call a vet, seek advice and disect their poo.
There is nothing irresponsible at all about what has happened, its just one of those things and now it's been brought to your attention, it's one of those things that is less likely to happen again to any cat that is lucky enough to be owned by you.
Now, put those feelings of guilt aside and get on with enjoying your kitties other wise i will have to take a trip down south and slap your fingers:lol:

:-D You do not want to face the wrath of Elaine!!!!

15-08-2008, 04:51 PM
Thank you Elaine; and yes ma'am!

I don't think I could get away with not playing with them if I wanted to; they have a meow loud enough to wake the dead, and they make good use of it when they feel neglected :lol:

15-08-2008, 06:32 PM
One last word on the subject Meep............. wash your hands well!!! :-D