View Full Version : Bubbles and the Emergency Vet

23-07-2008, 02:57 AM
It's 2.43am and not long been back from taking Bubbles to the Emergency Vet :(

She came in her usual time which was about 11.30 and I noticed she had a couple of scratches on her nose. She often ends up with them and they had stopped bleeding and were clean so thought nothing of it.

She seemed absolutely fine in herself, was playing and came for her treats. Then she rolled over onto her back and we saw the cut on her tummy :( About an inch and a half long, bleeding and the skin was gaping. I wouldn't have panicked I don't think if it wasn't for the gaping.

So we chase her round the house, stuff her in the catbox and take off to the vets (our vet uses an out of hours vet to cover so we had to travel a little way to see them). The nurse had a good look, shaved her tummy and gave the whole area a good clean. She was SO good, let me hold her upright while the nurse did what she needed to do.

The vet had a good look and prod and said she would need a stitch or two to be on the safe side but because she'd eaten, we would have had to wait 4 hours before they could sedate her. He gave her an antibiotic shot and also an anti-inflammatory and she complained about that ;) We decided to bring her home and then take her in to our regular vets in the morning, much less stressful than leaving her there.

Basically she was incredibly lucky. Whatever had caused the cut (I thought another cat at first but it could be she cut herself on a rose bush or something like that) only just went through the skin layer, no deeper. It looks nasty because of the gape but will heal nicely and quickly (once it's held together properly).

The visa card didn't feel so lucky ;) 219 quid but I don't care, there is no price I wouldn't pay for my babies.

23-07-2008, 03:06 AM
Oh Grete. what a distressing thing for you and poor Bubbles! :( Poor girlie, hope she'll be OK overnight and get stitched in the morning! Thank goodness she rolled over so you could see the wound.....
Please let us know how she is tomorrow ...well, actually later today!! (((hugs)))!

23-07-2008, 08:02 AM
Poor Bubbles,hope everything goes ok today and shes feeling loads better soon (((hugs)))

23-07-2008, 09:30 AM
Poor Bubbles, glad she is being sorted. I would have panicked too on seeing a gaping wound like that.
Hugs to you both xxx

23-07-2008, 09:46 AM
Good job Bubbles has got a quick-thinking mummy :D I think I would have panicked too!

Hopefully once she has a couple of stitches in the wound she'll be fine again. Give her a gentle hug from me would you please.

23-07-2008, 09:51 AM
Thanks guys :)

Just got back from the vet and she is now Frankenkitty ;) She was so good and let them staple it up with barely a complaint. Much better than having to be put under a general for sutures. She is fine in herself, grumpy at being stuffed in a box a few times and she is desperate to go out and doesn't understand why we won't let her poor girl.

Fizz keeps hissing whenever she sees her :( I got a feliway refill at the vets so hopefully that will settle them down again.

The timing of it all sucks lol. We are supposed to be going away this weekend, had a nice hotel booked and everything but I don't know what to do now :(

23-07-2008, 09:56 AM
As for Fizz hissing, you could try rubbing Fizz over with a cloth or towel and then rub Bubbles with the same towel to transfer a more friendly scent back onto Bubbles, or if bubbles has a blanket that she normaly lies on, or both lie on, then use that to try and get the vet smell off of Bubbles.
With regards to going away this weekend, is there anyone who can stop over and keep an eye on the kitties for you?

23-07-2008, 10:44 AM
So sorry to hear about Bubbles' dramatic rush to the vet in the night - glad it's all sorted as far as the wound goes. She'll be fine no doubt. Glad it wasn't another cat and no obvious infection. Fizz probably spooked by the smell of a vet's surgery.

Hope you can sort something out for the weekend. It would be a shame if you had to cancel it.

23-07-2008, 10:52 AM
Poor Bubbles, good that you got her to the vet at that time of night.

Hope she'll recover soon, she may be feeling a lot better by the weekend, Grete ......hopefully you will still be able go away this weekend...

23-07-2008, 02:14 PM
Thanks everyone :) Good idea Elaine, will try that :)

The issue of the weekend is (other than worrying about Bubbles pulling at the staples) is she needs oral antibiotics every day and when we are away, we feed them both with a gravity feeder. I can't put the antibiotics in that otherwise Fizz will end up with some and also dosage would be wrong.

The vet recommended a petsitter who is incidentally one of their ex vet nurses and she used to look after Squeak when she was in the hospital for various diabetes related things so I know how much she cares for animals. I'm waiting on a call back from her now to see if she can squeeze us in.

Fingers crossed!

Bubbles seems to be fine atm and just wants to go out ;) She is constantly moaning lol.

23-07-2008, 04:09 PM
Poor Bubbles, all that's happened to her and now the dreaded vet smell! I do hope you can work out something for the weekend and don't have to change your plans...

23-07-2008, 05:23 PM
Yay the sitter can squeeze us in :) She'll come friday evening, saturday morning and evening and sunday morning.

SO relieved, I was looking forwards to this weekend so much but just couldn't leave Bubbles.

She's coming over to meet the girls tomorrow evening eek, best tidy!

*HUGS* everyone, thankyou so much for your support.

23-07-2008, 05:42 PM
What good news Grete - hope you're going somewhere really nice - is it an anniversary celebration?

23-07-2008, 06:46 PM
It is kind of :) We are meeting up with some friends in Brighton and doing the hotel thing as an anniversary celebration :)

Will be a little weird cos I am actually from Brighton and it's been about 10 years since I've been back :)

Just so relieved Bubbles and Fizz will be checked on and Bubbles will get her meds :)

One of the biggest things that has stopped us going away has been the cats because I didn't like leaving them totally alone for more than an overnight stop. The lady who does the petsitting could open up all sorts of possibilities for us!

I've been trying to get a photo of the frankenkitty but everytime I go near her when she is on her back she runs :roll: :-D

23-07-2008, 08:01 PM
Happy news that you'll be able to get away for the weekend, and also that you've found a petsitter.:D Bubbles knows she's having a bad hair day, " No Pictures, Please!!!" :-D