View Full Version : Veggie Patch

13-07-2008, 09:34 PM
As I mentioned in Kazz's thread, my OH has dug over my vegetable patch for me. Now I need some help. What do I start growing in it. OH has already dug in my tomato plant (no idea whether he should have or not, but he has:roll: ). Is there anything I can plant this time of year, or should I wait until next spring. HELP!!

13-07-2008, 10:36 PM
First thing you need to do is find the average date of the first frost in your area. Then plant seeds of anything that will mature is less than the number of days left. Carrots, lettuce, turnips, radishes, brussels sprouts, maybe peas. And if you can still find transplants at your garden centre, tomatoes and peppers. I found several good sites but they were all in the States and based on our growing season: Google fall garden crops and you should find some good UK sites! Oh, and you can get some scallions from the market (with the roots on) and plant them too!

13-07-2008, 11:02 PM
Thanks Eileen. Ooh, I could grow my own brussels sprouts for Christmas dinner, how cool lol. I will have a good look in the morning :D

14-07-2008, 09:54 PM
There are loads of veg you can grow. How about some lettuce, swiss chard, raddishes, you need to think about fast growing crops.

Most importantly what do you like eating?

15-07-2008, 10:13 AM
all of the above lol. I'm off down to the garden centre on thursday to have a look and see what is best. Mind you, with going on hols on monday, I'm hoping my pet sitter will stick some water on them if we get a dry spell (as if lol)