View Full Version : baby bear (aka taz the ferret) is famous!

09-07-2008, 01:54 AM
i don't think i've mentioned it but i changed taz's name to baby bear as it's all we ever call him (my white ferret):cool:
ANYWAY, the humane society had a radio station sponsor a low cost microchip clinic where it was only ten bucks..baby bear is the only one that didn't have a chip yet in the house so of course i went.
i guess the radio dj's were waiting for a ferret to come all morning. the humane society employees asked me to show baby bear to them after he was done. i thought that they were just gonna ask me about him but next thing i know they are putting a microphone in my face and i'm being interviewed on the air about my ferret and ferrets in general.
i was a little surprised and i hardly remember what i said. something about how baby bear is so big and how important it is to get your fuzzy chipped. they said he was so cute and people should rush down to see him. next thing i know the interview is over!
anyway, baby bear and i were famous for a minute:-D

09-07-2008, 09:45 AM
Woohoo....we have another star on Catsey!:D

I hope you enjoyed your moment of fame Tink!:D

09-07-2008, 11:05 AM
I hope someone recorded your interview - but perhaps you'd not be keen to hear what you said? A tad embarrassed perhaps!

09-07-2008, 01:23 PM
I hope someone recorded your interview - but perhaps you'd not be keen to hear what you said? A tad embarrassed perhaps!

oh, totally! i was so caught off guard, i didn't realize we were on the air till the microphone was shoved in my face..LOL. i think baby bear enjoyed the spotlight while i was blabbering and confused. i tried to see if i could look up past shows on their site and listen to them but i didn't see anything which is a good thing probably:-D