View Full Version : Doctor Who anyone

06-07-2008, 08:46 PM
Well am I the only Dr Who fan on here....what does everyone think a great ending I thought....but who will be the new assistant.

06-07-2008, 08:48 PM
Huge Dr Who fan here as well. Almost crying at the end last night, I really took to Donna as his companion though I wasn't keen to begin with. No idea who is new one will be, but thank heavens David Tennant is still the Time Lord!

06-07-2008, 08:55 PM
Never miss it, last episode was brilliant, no idea about the new assistant though.I liked Billie Piper...

06-07-2008, 09:18 PM
I'm another huge Dr Who fan. I thought last night's finale was excellent, but I'm going to download it from BBCiplayer to watch again. I thought it was very sad. Not a huge Catherine Tate fan, but thought she had the attitude needed for that particular script. I'm even sadder that it seems that Russell T. Davies, writer and director is leaving. Very glad that they've hung on to David Tennant.

06-07-2008, 10:06 PM
We are huge Dr Who fans and I thought last nights episode was brilliant. I'm not a huge Catherine Tate fan, but have to admit she did very well in the role and I was beginning to like her! What a sad ending. I loved the German daleks - Dr Who at its best! Definitely pleased that David Tennant is staying.

07-07-2008, 10:12 AM
I was not keen on Catherine Tate at first either however she started to grow into the role...I think though the assistants should be unknown...........so you only think of them as the assistant. Whereas with Catherine Tate she was already established.

I loved the Darleks. And like oh whats her name the woman who was "Ex Prime Minister" who kept flashing the badge to prove it.

An excellent script and I was in tears at the end when Bernard Cribbins.....said "when its dark and the stars come out I'll look up and thnk of you Doctor"...........Ahhhhhhh

The coming together of the assistants was brilliant.

Look forward to the Christmas special.

07-07-2008, 10:55 AM
Cybermen ................!

07-07-2008, 10:23 PM
. And like oh whats her name the woman who was "Ex Prime Minister" who kept flashing the badge to prove it.

The coming together of the assistants was brilliant.

Look forward to the Christmas special.

Her name was Harriet Jones in the series, aka Penelope Wilton, she played the long suffering wife in 'Ever Decreasing Circles' Apparently the role was written especially for her.

I thought bringing all the assistants/best loved characters all together was excellent and roll on Christmas.....!!

30-07-2008, 01:22 PM
I've been trying to find the music that was played in the series finale when the Doctor and the Children of Time were all around the Tardis controls, towing the earth back to where it should be.

Evidently it was performed at the BBC Dr Who Proms (which I missed!) but thanks to fatjoe - here is the link. Brilliant music by Murray Gold.


Must buy the CD when it's released.

30-07-2008, 10:43 PM
We tried to get tickets for the prom, but surprise, surprise it was sold out! We did listen to it though.

30-07-2008, 11:45 PM
huge fan here
my kids and i love it
i think the new assistants is going to be Dr who's daughter (and that might/might not work as they are lovers in real life)
i was also not so keen on Cath but it worked well from the start i think, i loved that bit where they just find each other though the window and door,
i know the BBC has offered DT a lot of money to stay but at the moment he is only doing the 4 specials next year, so we dont know what 2010 will bring

01-08-2008, 12:22 PM
Sorry if anyone can't find the link I posted above at 9 - seems the vid has been pulled by the owner. Not sure why - but I am presuming something to do with the BBC! It was OK yesterday morning but had disappeared by the evening.