View Full Version : Anyone got a woodburning stove?

28-06-2008, 05:15 PM
We are thinking of having a woodburning stove put into our fireplace in the lounge. When we had our extension built last year and the central heating boiler was moved to a new position we had the old gas supply to our gas "coal" fire taken out really due to the increase in gas prices. Last winter we made do with just the central heating, but (being someone who suffers from the cold) I, in particular, thought it was fairly miserable. We have saved out pennies and have a man coming round next Friday to make sure our chimney etc. is all OK and to advise on what sort to have, etc.

We have not had a woodburning stove before and although they seem to be straightforward I wondered if anyone has any tips or hints about pros and cons?

28-06-2008, 05:59 PM
We always had wood burning stoves when I was growing up and I love them! They're fairly easy to light and get going, you just need a constant supply of kindling and some newspaper and make sure the ash drawer is emptied fairly regularly. Ours chucks out a fair amount of heat too.

28-06-2008, 06:07 PM
Is this the sort of thing you have in mind Angie?


This is a pic of Dinahsmum's wood burner (I hope she doesn't mind me posting it:oops:) , I recall her saying it let out quite a bit of heat.

Maybe she will be back here soon herself so she can give you all the gen on it...

28-06-2008, 08:22 PM
That's the sort of thing Mags - maybe not quite as large as that. Where are you Dinsahsmum??????

28-06-2008, 11:35 PM
We had one in our old house. Loved it. Warning though, they do give off loads of heat. When we had our building work done (major work) here, we knocked out the fireplace ready for a woodburner, but as yet haven't got one for this house, although we were only saying today that we will get it doen ready for this winter as we want to move into that room this year.

The only downside I can see is that you can't just pop the fire on for 10 mins. :shock: When our kids were very little, we had the log burner in one room and a gas fire in the other, so we could put the gas fire on whilst they got dressed. Here we don't have a fire at all, so when we do get the log burner (well it will be a multi-fuel burner) we won't be able to put it on for 10 mins in a morning before work. :roll:

I'll see if I have a photo of ours

29-06-2008, 12:32 AM
Thanks Smudgley - a photo would be great. We would tend to use it in the evenings, rather than the mornings as we do have central heating too. But it's when you sit still in the winter that it can get nippy and there's something really comforting about the look of a fire, but with all the smoke etc. safely extracted from the room - I'm asthmatic.