View Full Version : Maiah is a bit under the weather..

24-03-2008, 09:31 PM
It's spring time in Tennessee and...Maiah has the WORST alergieze! (sp) Her poor little nose is all chapped from where she had been trying to clean it from when she sneezed. The dischage is solid (for humans) it means it's Viral, so I'm going to take her to the vet to get her on some anti-biotics. She will be ok ^^ She's not running a temp. or anything, just really snotty.

The real nice thing is, is that I didn'thave the money to take her, but today i was called up to the office by my teacher and was told that due to my grades this semester, that I've won 50 dollars :D First thing that popped into my mind was my baby girl X3.

24-03-2008, 09:37 PM
Aww - bad news and good news all together! How sweet of you to spend your money on Maiah . . . that's a true animal lover :D Oh, and well done on getting your grades btw :D

24-03-2008, 09:40 PM
hehe Thankyou X) It's also a bit of a selfish need too, because she could get over it....but I REALLY hate hearing her sneezing every 10 seconds. Not to mention when we're having our constant cuddle time (she's in my arms as we speak) I hate being sprayed by a flush of kitten snot...She's cute..but..the snot isn't XP

24-03-2008, 09:45 PM
Well done you for getting your grades up, and how fortunate that the money came at just the right time! Poor little Maiah! My Dandy used to get an allergy as regular as clockwork every Spring and Autumn: he'd go off his feed and act mopy for about three or four days, sneezing a nasty yellow discharge, but it only lasted that short a time; apparently his immune system threw it off. It occurred from kittenhood until he died at 12......hope she's better very soon!!

24-03-2008, 09:51 PM
hehe Thankyou X) It's also a bit of a selfish need too, because she could get over it....but I REALLY hate hearing her sneezing every 10 seconds. Not to mention when we're having our constant cuddle time (she's in my arms as we speak) I hate being sprayed by a flush of kitten snot...She's cute..but..the snot isn't XP

Dandy was very friendly and always sat in peoples laps...when anyone came over during "sneezing season" I always handed them a tissue and said to watch when he was getting ready to sneeze all over them....:roll: yes, it's yucky!!~:roll:

24-03-2008, 11:19 PM
Well done Socks with getting good grades - hope a visit to the vet does put Maiah on a quick road to recovery from the snotties!

25-03-2008, 12:06 AM
I hope Maiah gets better soon and then you can both enjoy the cuddles again.

Well done on your grades as well.

25-03-2008, 08:37 AM
Very well done on your grades :D Hope Maiah is soon feeling better

25-03-2008, 10:30 AM
well done on your grades. I hope maiah get better soon.
I was told as Tilly has is a virus carrier and sneezes all year round that if she gets too bad to give her baby nasal drops. One in one nostral one day then the other the next for a week. It can't be done for longer as then if she were to stop it would get worse but it helps when she get bad and is a lot cheaper than the vets.
Also you could try a humidifier with eucaliptus oil/ olbas in it to help clear her airways.
Or just use a bowl/jug with boiling water in tit to crate steam and add eucalyputus oil/olbas and get maiah to breathe it in. Obviously you would need to be careful that she didn't get burnt so the best way I can think of is to put her in her cat holder with the water jug out side and put atowel over both the carrier and the jug/bowl. I haven't tried the last one yet but found the humidifier and nose drops helped. I use Nasosal drops for newborns but the vet said you could use childs drops I just thought that newborn drops were safer for a cat, as they are very gentle.

Take care.


25-03-2008, 04:29 PM
Well done on your grades and what excellent wish to come in at the right time X

25-03-2008, 04:57 PM
I hope Maiah will be feeling better very soon ..:)

Well done on your grades!

25-03-2008, 09:34 PM
Thankyou all :D uggh, now we have to wait for her to come out of hiding. I carried her out to the car thinking "I'll just put her in the carrier in the car!" ......I currently have a deep scratch on my..chest area..and a long scratch across my forehead. She went crazy on me D: But it's ok ^^ the scratch on my head..looks kinda cool XD but lessong learned..

25-03-2008, 09:41 PM
Ouch!!! carrier first, car second ......